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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landscape III (Expert Editing*)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Date: Apr 16, 2007
Galleries: Landscape, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Apr 16, 2007

i really like how this came out. so much so, that i am almost afraid to put it up for voting.

i was so afraid when this started in the high 4s. but during the week the great comments and favs kept coming and the scored kept rising. thank you soo soo much for the people who supported this entry.

*a little history*: my maternal grandfather was a workman on the crew that built the dam that made this lake circa. 1950's. my paternal grandfather who raised my sister and i took us fishing here all throughout our younger years. my parents before they died in 1978 took us swimming at this lake(one of my favorite photos is of me on my dad's shoulders in the water when i was a fat baby). in 2000 my paternal grandfather died in this lake of hypothermia, fell through the ice while fishing.
i find myself gravitating to it over and over again and it's one of my favorite places to go think and take photos. i thought about naming this piece "lake of silence" but "footnotes" just seemed right.

Place: 84 out of 308
Avg (all users): 6.1434
Avg (commenters): 7.6429
Avg (participants): 6.0575
Avg (non-participants): 6.1871
Views since voting: 1134
Views during voting: 404
Votes: 258
Comments: 46
Favorites: 14 (view)

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12/15/2007 01:26:42 PM
Great title, neat image.
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04/30/2007 04:39:57 PM
I loved this photo and would love if you would share some of your processing details. I'm sorry it wasn't shiny enough for the dp masses to place it higher. :P It obviously reached a lot of us though, so kudos.
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04/30/2007 04:21:57 PM
Fantastic. I doubt I will remember those who finished in the top ten a year from now but this one might have a chance.
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04/28/2007 09:00:29 AM
I love the photo all by itself, and yet your photographer's comments add so much more. Must add to favorites...
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04/26/2007 07:40:35 PM
what an incredibly emotive landscape...
the right side makes it like a memory, the details slowly fading...
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04/26/2007 11:28:35 AM
this is so wonderful! I agree with Don, I can hear low flute notes, maybe alt-flute. very beautiful
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04/25/2007 10:47:27 PM
beautiful piece. footnotes makes me think of low notes on the musical scale. This photo is like a haunting, half-remembered melody.
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04/25/2007 06:34:13 AM
this was one of my favourites in this challenge, love it.
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04/25/2007 03:35:32 AM
Most unique of the bunch. Nice work. I would give it the blue if I had the power.
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04/25/2007 03:02:55 AM
Very cool! Glad you submitted.
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04/25/2007 02:27:31 AM
Great photo, definately one of my favorites. Like you said, just the comments that people have left should be good enough to know what people think about this picture.
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04/25/2007 01:09:38 AM
84 is criminal, but not surprising. These gems drop way down all the time.

Your genius is manifest again - when I grow up I want to be like you (just stronger - and more manly - but everything else...)
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04/25/2007 12:38:19 AM
its like and old film slide, brought back to life, thanks for putting in for voting.
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04/25/2007 12:16:49 AM
Love it, love it, love it. Even more, I love that it didn't tank! This is an excellent score for this shot in a place where "wow!" and vibrant colors rule. Gives me hope that a) people are still doing really good stuff, and b) at least a few others recognize it. Thank you for creating and submitting it!
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04/25/2007 12:10:44 AM
my pick for bos.... beautiful work.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/24/2007 11:52:15 PM
love the processing
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04/24/2007 10:20:20 PM
This has such an old feel to it. Very nice.
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04/24/2007 08:14:46 PM
this looks very grainy, but it may have been intentional to create mood.
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04/24/2007 03:46:29 PM
Looks like this shot would be great, however it´s only 35kb and it suffers from bad jpg compression, why did you not upload a version closer to the max allowed 200kb for better quality? Anyway have a feeling this shot will look great printed out large up on a wall, has that look to it.
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04/24/2007 01:08:15 PM
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04/24/2007 10:33:12 AM
Such a feeling of stillness...silence. The processing is so nice, like I'm looking at at image made over 150 years ago...a definite standout for me.
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04/23/2007 01:55:46 PM
like this one a lot. the most artistic shot i've seen in the challenge and my fav so far. nice work.
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04/22/2007 11:45:05 PM
Excellent photo! 9
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04/22/2007 03:51:20 PM
I love the effects in this image.
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04/21/2007 03:43:26 PM
this is beautiful.
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04/21/2007 12:44:08 PM
Greatly composed. Unfortunately the right hand portion appears too dark and much of the details have been lost there. A 6.
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04/21/2007 11:08:30 AM
Love it.
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04/21/2007 01:48:48 AM
Good composition, unfortunately I'm not a big fan of this color and PP
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04/21/2007 12:58:18 AM
different for here, i like it.
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04/21/2007 12:16:13 AM
love the 'olf photo' effect.
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04/20/2007 08:27:30 PM
This photo has so much style. I'm giving you a 10 up front. The soft tones complimented by the deep blacks are very striking. The centered composition and the even spacing throughout is very fitting for the scene that you've photographed. Nice image.
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04/20/2007 05:00:01 PM
wow...excellent! love the moody feel.
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04/20/2007 03:24:43 PM
I'll just mark this as a fav now and enjoy it for a bit. Thank you.
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04/20/2007 08:01:30 AM
Amazing! 10
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04/19/2007 03:57:07 PM
It looks like an antique photograph, nice job.
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04/19/2007 03:08:14 PM
subtle. The big detractor is the dark on the lower right. I don't think it helps. 6
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04/19/2007 02:41:42 PM
This is very unique and original...especially in this challenge. It's very beautiful! I just wished that lower left corner didn't get so dark.
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04/19/2007 12:58:15 PM
Interesting. Very moody, "artisitic". Something looks strange on the far right side. I'm seeing a section that looks to have been stamped with a texture perhaps? I find it distracting. The horizon is causing an optical illusion of being tilted (I'm thinking it's the terrain sloping up). Personally, it's "ok". Don't love it, don't hate it... Good luck in the challenge.
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04/19/2007 04:51:51 AM
horizon is tilted
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04/18/2007 11:44:06 PM
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04/18/2007 07:05:15 PM
I think I like this. hmmmmm. Well......yes I do!
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04/18/2007 05:25:22 PM
Very simple and great shot. a little too much border. still a good vote for you though.
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04/18/2007 12:18:45 PM
Wow great composition. My only beef is that it is a tad too dark for me.
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04/18/2007 10:34:12 AM
This has a familar feel to it, like I recognize it from somewhere.
(I would love to trade notes about the processing, might have a tips for you.)
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04/18/2007 04:26:59 AM
looks like you left your jpeg in the pocket of your pants and put it through the wash.
i must try that some time, 9
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04/18/2007 01:54:12 AM
I love the editing on this. It seems so aged. Great unique take on the challenge.
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