Convert to JPG, Noise Ninja, Shadow/Highlight adjustment, Noise Ninja, Duplicated image layer, (dil) Desaturation, (dil) find edges, (dil) Layer effect colour burn, (dil) Levels, (dil) brightness/contrast, merge, Duplicate image layer, (dil) effect overlay, Crop, Graduate Layer (radial), Grad layer effect soft light, Graduate Layer (radial), Grad layer effect soft light, burn shadows of face, new layer for eyes, outline eyes, filled eyes outline with white, eyes effect bevel, contour, drop shadow, flatten image, Added boarder, resized, save for web, submit.
This is a photograph of a 13" Batman figure I have had for the past several years. Batman is one of may favorite Heros, He shows you what die hard determination and a buttload of cash can do for you.
I am unsure how this image will be met in the challenge, but I am hopping for the best like I always do. I am also hopping this is different enough from the norm that it may be a refreshing view... but also figure it will be knocked down because it is too cartoonish, to dark, and not true to photography.
Edit to add link to Original Image
Place: 476 out of 573 Avg (all users): 5.0585 Avg (commenters): 5.7143 Avg (participants): 4.8571 Avg (non-participants): 5.5192 Views since voting: 972 Views during voting: 321 Votes: 171 Comments: 12 Favorites: 1 (view)
picture of toys, when not for a toy challenge, tend to bomb. To be avoided in the future. However, It's a great capture. Composition is great. love the lighting and the colors :)
This is a photography contest. Entries should look photographic, in my opinion, and not seek to replicate other artistic mediums. Visually interesting submission, though.
Great...but is it a photograph?? Looks more like a cartoon, painting, etc. Kinda breeches the lines between photography and digital art, IMHO. But very cool, nonetheless!