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Simply honda
Simply honda

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Simplicity (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Airplane Hanger
Date: Dec 7, 2003
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: auto
Shutter: 400
Date Uploaded: Dec 7, 2003


Place: 227 out of 262
Avg (all users): 4.5254
Avg (commenters): 5.1818
Avg (participants): 4.2727
Avg (non-participants): 4.7913
Views since voting: 885
Votes: 236
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/16/2003 01:54:51 PM
Doesnt' really meet the topic to me..but good picture
12/16/2003 02:26:04 AM
Try again in "Vehicles". Honda doesn't really say simple to me. For a vehicle shot, this would be great though.
12/15/2003 03:26:38 PM
I really like the angle of the shot--that transforms it from a bland photo into something more unusual and interesting.
12/13/2003 01:59:56 AM
looks like this should be a car ad in a magazine! Great color and lighting on this one! I like the angle of the car...makes it more interesting!
12/11/2003 03:48:51 PM
Oh my, its falling off the page. In other words, I do not like the angle.
12/11/2003 07:53:08 AM
why not simply toyota? subaru? Ferrari? Porsche? personally I thought this was alittle out of point, but I am sure u have ur reasons for this image.
12/11/2003 12:40:13 AM
Looks like a pub. Good composition. Good background.
12/10/2003 04:43:39 PM
I like the angle of this and the background really adds to it, To bad photoshop techniques didnt apply here in this challenge cause it would look even more better with out the reflections on the hood and window.
12/10/2003 12:02:26 PM
Technical: Most all images submitted fit the challenge. Exposure composition focus lighting all very good.

Personal: Something tells me you'll wish you saved this for the "Vehicles" challenge :-) This could be an ad!

My vote: 6
12/10/2003 02:36:38 AM
Straight out of a catalogue (meant as a compliment) Beautifully done.
12/10/2003 01:53:54 AM
Nothing simple about a Honda, didn't you see that ad?

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