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Carrie In The Bath
Carrie In The Bath

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bubbles II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon MF Nikkor 85mm f/2.0 AIS
Location: My Tub
Date: Apr 19, 2007
Galleries: Candid, Nude
Date Uploaded: Apr 19, 2007

I drew a bath for her before I got in and took a few shots for this challenge.

Place: 132 out of 172
Avg (all users): 4.7826
Avg (commenters): 5.7000
Avg (participants): 4.2500
Avg (non-participants): 4.9567
Views since voting: 6252
Views during voting: 768
Votes: 276
Comments: 33
Favorites: 4 (view)

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05/10/2007 11:00:54 PM
I appreciate all the help. I use PS for editing when I do so. I prefer straight out of the camera even if I have to take 200 shots to get the right one. I feel too much PS and over-editing tends to remove some of the intent and integrity of the photograph at times. However, I am always open to any suggestions....ESPECIALLY how to take better shots of females as that to me is the greatest natural art form.

05/09/2007 01:56:44 AM

Carrie is so very sexy. I bet that none of the
9 voters who gave this a 1 vote are straight men.

I only gave this a 6 because the eyes are out of focus
and the focal point should be the bubbles. But as far as
interesting subjects go, this one definitely catches one's attention.
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05/07/2007 04:16:31 PM
E'vets, pay no attention to those that make derogatory comments about the model. It is rude and unfair and shouldn't be tolerated, period. I am sorry some people find it necessary to put down models and not judge the photo. There is not much you can do about it, although if I was a model and saw these kinds of comments it would make me think twice about allowing photos of myself to be used. I noticed a couple things that may help you with your entries. First I noticed on your three entries so far that your file sizes are all very small. On this image your file size is 78 kb, where as the limit is 150 kb, this mean that small details would have had twice as much detail and smoothness and less jagged details in the fine areas of the photo. If you look around Carrie's necklace you will see it gets pixellated because the file size is small. I don't know what software you use to work on your image but if you use a version of Photoshop, here is a tutorial that will show you how to get the most detail and accuracy for your challenge entries. If you don't use photoshop then try to find a way to "Save for the Web" with your software. It will get rid of hidden data on your image and use the file size only for image quality. As mentioned before in general you want the eyes to be in focus for any portrait, although I could see on this one why you may have not focused on the her face and focused on the bubbles given the challenge. The lighting in your image also appears to be flat possibly from the overhead lighting being used, so I used a curve to try and give the photo some more contrast. Here is what I did and I put the curve that I used. I hope this helps you some and sorry about the rude comments. I hope you keep entering challenges.
05/06/2007 09:46:57 AM
Thanks smardaz and kenskid....couldn't have said it better. I appreciate SOME support on these.

05/03/2007 05:32:04 PM
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05/03/2007 01:13:27 PM
Well I see that this shot got a lot of NASTY comments...some INSULTING to the model.

Where are the DPC Police that came to the aid of the Cobra Charmer ?

People who made comments like Anorexic and "too skinny" got hammered by many many DPCers....where does the crew stand on this shot?

I see comments like "fish face" and "skanky" with no one coming to the rescue of the poor model.

Could it be because this shot is not on the front page?

05/02/2007 08:44:31 PM
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05/02/2007 11:20:42 AM
Erm.. Congrats?
05/02/2007 07:43:03 AM
I knew this would generate a LOT of comments, negative and positive. That is what I try to do to get a broad perspective on people's opinions. However, comments about being disgusted with females or not sexy are really unproductive and serve no purpose. I always will throw a girl in my shots and work around it. Sorry if it offends, happy if it pleases.

05/02/2007 12:13:58 AM
Evet the best part is you got a wide range of reaction...i average about 5 comments per challenge on my pics. Keep these shots coming.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/01/2007 01:11:21 AM
not sexy
04/30/2007 09:11:53 PM
Not a bad picture, but it looks a little soft on her eyes. I think the eyes should be sharper.
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04/30/2007 02:25:27 PM
Too bad her eyes aren't in focus.
04/30/2007 11:25:43 AM
I rather enjoyed your PM tantrum over my earlier comment.
Thought perhaps I'd re-do my vote.
I am giving you a two instead of the vote that I originally gave you.
This photograph does not hold my attention.
The main focus is on the chest rather than the face, while the face is still coated with bright, distracting makeup.
The model is making some sort of a fishy face, her expression seems blank to me.
She is touching the straps of her top which indicates a sexual gesture.
The bubbles are hard to make out. Looks like nothing but suds to me.
This picture isn't based on bubbles. It looks like some girl sitting in a bathtub made so that bubbles could be fitted in.
Then again, my picture isn't completely focused on bubbles either.
This picture just.. Doesn't do it for me.
04/30/2007 10:33:58 AM
THIS IS FRIGGIN' HOTTTTT!!!!! Nice use of bubbles here I think. Maybe could be a few more, but technically a great shot. Females rock!
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04/30/2007 08:37:02 AM
I can see how the model might have wanted to keep the bra/bikini top on but it detracts from the realism, would have been much better served if it were a bubble bikini top - who wears clothes in the bath? Plus it is more playful. Also the face seems a bit blurred, which is never a good idea unless it is clearly intentional with the POV as well (and in this case it isnt), if you wanted to concentrate on the torso by using selective focus, why not crop the face out?
04/29/2007 04:37:14 PM
Those are some very nice bubbles.
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04/29/2007 03:07:40 PM
This picture is sharp everywhere, except where it should be: the eyes
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04/29/2007 02:42:46 PM
My personal opinion:

1. Bad contrast and/or lighting (the whites are blueish).
2. Focus: Some parts of the face (the eyes?) seem out of focus, for some weird reason? Either you have to clean your lense or I have to clean my screen.
3. I can see some foam in the bath but 99% of the picture doesn't fit the challenge's subject.
4. The make up on the model is exceptionally bad. Would look much better without it.
5. To sum it up, this whole thing reminds me of some low budget soft porn.

There I said it. Who am I to judge? Well... don't hate the player, hate the game.
04/29/2007 10:50:20 AM
I think I need a bath too ;0) I like the shot, and Carrie is very, very sexy, but her eyes look slightly out of focus. That detracts a bit from an otherwise gorgeous model and shot!!
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04/28/2007 11:31:30 AM
which bubbles?
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04/28/2007 04:35:15 AM
nice model u got there
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04/27/2007 01:24:56 PM
Umm - why is she wearing a bikini in the bath? Wouldn't this work better as a nude or else not in the bathroom?
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04/26/2007 12:34:30 PM
Sweet !
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04/26/2007 10:40:28 AM
uhm .... :-)
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04/26/2007 10:19:10 AM
Why is she bathing in her swimsuit?
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04/26/2007 08:56:33 AM
Lovely shot.
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04/25/2007 08:43:18 PM
Why is she taking a bath in her swimsuit?
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04/25/2007 08:16:21 PM
Attractive girl, nice pose, your bubbles are needing help.
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04/25/2007 12:25:00 PM
I think this image is more about Carrie than it is the bubbles.
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04/25/2007 11:20:58 AM
bubbles in a bath
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04/25/2007 04:17:00 AM
Black top is distracting just kidding
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04/25/2007 01:22:31 AM
wow, i'm giving you a 10 for the hot chick!
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