I see that this was shot at f32, and that may be the reason for the overall softness, which lends a feel of gentle quiteness to this image. Generally if shutter speed is 500 at 50 mm or less, even hand held,everything would be tack sharp, front to back at apertures between 5.6 and 11 or even 16.
Technically speaking, the numbers iso 200, shutter 500, f32 don't seem to add up right for this exposure, as that would be about 2 or 3 stops dark, even in full bright sunlight. Is the shutter speed number right?
I have been told to focus on the nearest part of a deep scene like this when shooting it for best results, and it seems to hold true.
I try to shoot moving water upstream most of the time to be able to see where it drops or goes around rocks or over ledges. This is a pleasing and relaxing image to drift off into.
Keep shooting and learning. I look fwd to seeing your images in the future, as you live in a beautiful part of the country. |