Greetings from the Critique Club!
My first impression: Unique and sparkly... but what is it. Ice?
It's difficult to give much feedback on what you were going for and how that compares to my reaction to the photo since you didn't comment on the making of the photo in your comments, only on the processing. I like how the one piece to the right is just about to fall off with the bright spot of sunlight there to melt through it.. gives some tension to the shot.
The shot is a nice abstract shape (which I do like abstracts), it doesn't feel cramped in or too empty, perhaps a bit too centered though. There are a lot of blown out highlights, which is bound to happen when you're shooting towards the sun, and the color that is present isn't very interesting.
From looking at your voting breakdown, it seems that most people found this to be just average (to which I would agree) and rated it a 5, and a good number of people probably found it average, but just didn't get it, so they clicked a 4. I must say, that personally, I was shocked to see that it was in 511th place, but this was a free study, and I think people tend to expect more, as this is supposed to be the best of your shots for the entire month.
The lack of comments probably comes from the fact that people just don't have anything to comment on. There are no glaring technical flaws, nor is there anything that really stands out in a positive way for me. No subject to really comment on either.
I think to increase the score on this one, perhaps doing some more advanced editing between the shadows and highlights might have been interesting. Other than that, I think it might just be that peoples' personal preferences didn't include this type of abstract shot.
That's a lot of rambling, but I hope something in there was helpful. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Good luck in your future challenges! |