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 This image was disqualified from the Sports III challenge.
Landing Strip
Landing Strip

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sports III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 ED
Location: Okotoks, Alberta
Date: May 6, 2007
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/640
Galleries: Sports, Action
Date Uploaded: May 6, 2007

Post processing:
Export to TIFF
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Shooting Data

Nikon D50
2007/05/06 14:52:32.1
Compressed RAW (12-bit)
Image Size: Large (3008 x 2000)
Lens: 70-300mm F/4-5.6 D
Focal Length: 82mm
Exposure Mode: Shutter Priority
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/640 sec - F/8
Exposure Comp.: 0 EV
Sensitivity: ISO 200
Optimize Image: Normal
White Balance: Direct sunlight
AF Mode: AF-C
Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached
Color Mode: Mode IIIa (sRGB)
Tone Comp.: Auto
Hue Adjustment: 0°
Saturation: Normal
Sharpening: Auto
Image Comment:
Long Exposure NR: Off
Disqualification Details
You may use a cloning tool or small healing brush for the sole purpose of removing sensor dust or hot pixels. No other spot-editing is allowed.

Views since voting: 561
Views during voting: 313
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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05/17/2007 10:12:18 AM
Thanks for the update - I can see a few of the 'hard edged' areas now - under the armpit and where the jersey tucks into the pants seem to be the most revealing - I wonder if this is being caused by the limited color gamut of your color mode in-camera (standard RGB)? Are you converting to Adobe RGB in processing? Try setting your camera to AdobeRGB and keep that profile throughout your workflow -

My wife has a D50 and we only shoot in aRGB RAW, however, when we first bought the camera, she (unknowingly) was using the default setting of sRGB and it sure seemed like we had a lot of quirky little color problems similar to what you experienced above ... in addition to how much more vibrant aRGB is, I would suggest giving it a shot if you are able to consistently reproduce the problem that got your pic disqualified.

Good Luck and let me know how it goes,
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/16/2007 10:07:41 PM
The "flag" that got my submission noticed was the hard edges transitions.
In particular, the sky in a few "inside corners" like the rider's armpit, between the right knee and the handlebar, under the seat
and within the wheel is much lighter, and shows a hard-edged
transition to the darker tones of the rest of the sky.

I was baffled at the edges myself because I honestly didn't put them there. However, I was able to reproduce it and quite well after I played with it for a while.

My steps were like I mentioned:


What I didn't mention was the USM I did but that was my last step. That was the step that did it.
In PSP I did a Unsharpen mask with these settings

Radius 10
Strength 30
Clipping 80

Even just doing the crop and resize then the USM the effect nearly mirrored what was seen in my submission.

Not sure what's next in store but at least I know what the heck happened.
05/16/2007 04:40:37 PM
I'm actually in discussion with SC about this. I will pass on my findings as appropriate. Thanks for your interest guys!

Message edited by author 2007-05-16 16:41:00.
05/16/2007 02:08:17 PM
I would like to know too ... did you do some "spot editing"? - I looked around your pic and couldn't find anything ... did you clip something out of the sky/background?

...maybe someone with a keen eye can fill us in on what went wrong here ... ?

Message edited by author 2007-05-16 14:09:57.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/16/2007 06:33:27 AM
Can someone tell me why this photo wasa disqualified? The DQ "details" says nothing about how the rules were broken.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/10/2007 06:25:42 PM
Nice exposure, it's great how it brings your attention to the eyes.

Nice job.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2007 03:45:57 PM
Nice action. The angle of the sun has put shade in all the wrong places but that's hard to avoid and you've processed well to compensate. Good amount of negative space around your rider.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2007 12:21:03 PM
very nice clear shot. I like it
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2007 11:11:03 AM
Good timing, and clear photo. I think some motion panning to blur the background would have really added to this.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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