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Golden Session
Golden Session

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sports III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-500 EVOLT
Location: Catasaqua Trails Pennsylvania
Date: May 7, 2007
Galleries: Sports, Performance
Date Uploaded: May 7, 2007

I ran out of time for this Challenge. There were susposed to be more riders in the shot, going through the jumps before him, but i got there late and most had left. I snapped a few shots before it got dark, this was the closest one to what i wanted.

Place: 195 out of 230
Avg (all users): 4.7500
Avg (commenters): 4.2632
Avg (participants): 4.5949
Avg (non-participants): 4.8394
Views since voting: 741
Views during voting: 312
Votes: 216
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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05/16/2007 01:28:35 AM
Nice trails (understatement of course), so much potential there. Having the focus on the rider is pretty much a neccesity though, and the composition could be better.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/15/2007 04:00:36 PM
I can see where you wanted to go with this, but the subject is not clear enough and the photo looks a little out of focus to me.
05/14/2007 01:56:20 PM
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05/13/2007 01:49:25 PM
i would have liked a little more light on the subject
05/13/2007 08:03:19 AM
It's neat that he's in the air, but he's not really the focus of the photo unfortunately.
05/12/2007 09:02:42 PM
Nice setting and colors, but the focus seems to be on the structures in the foreground rather than the biker, who gets a little lost against the trees.
05/12/2007 07:21:32 AM
the subject, (the sportsman) is to small, a lot more cropping would help
05/10/2007 10:43:55 PM
The shot setup and the concept are nice. The focus is on the foreground and the subject is OOF.
05/10/2007 04:03:48 PM
this would be really good if it was focused on the rider..
05/10/2007 12:16:31 PM
would have been great had it been sharp. 6
05/10/2007 09:24:42 AM
He's hard to find.
05/09/2007 09:59:11 PM
Good capture, but subject is lost in the trees.
05/09/2007 08:31:29 PM
I don't know what I'm supposed to focus on here.
05/09/2007 07:40:43 PM
Subject looks lost in the background
05/09/2007 06:04:23 PM
This is a great idea but the cyclist gets lost in the background.
05/09/2007 04:09:04 PM
Good action and good colours. The size and position of your rider would have been perfect against a plain background but gets a bit lost amongst these trees.
05/09/2007 03:27:04 PM
I missed out to see the rider on left top portion, my eyes was looking for him, I thing rider would need more attention.
05/09/2007 01:14:15 PM
Focus seems to be on the closest jump, right? That would have been so cool if you got the front of your own bike into the lower right of the photo with a title like "Shit, I'm next!"
05/09/2007 12:44:36 PM
05/09/2007 09:55:09 AM
Interesting. The colors are amazing, but you really have to look to see the person on the bike. Good try though
05/09/2007 08:08:55 AM
Your subject is too lost in the backround for me.

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