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Sports Watch
Sports Watch

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sports III (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A540
Location: Fairfield, California
Date: May 7, 2007
Galleries: Abstract, Still Life
Date Uploaded: May 8, 2007

I was going for something risky and abstract.
Many will not like this, or even understand it's true
artistic intent. But I'm fine with that. Hopefully
some will look deep below the surface
and discover it's deeper truth.

The lack of clarity of this piece is symbolic of the
unfortunate lack of clear understanding in our world
today. Black-white, muslim-christian, liberals-conservatives
and are at war with words or guns with no peace in sight.
The watch is symbolic of time. Time we all
have to better understand each other. But time with a
limit. Like a stopwatch. And like Life itself.

Place: 223 out of 230
Avg (all users): 2.2524
Avg (commenters): 1.7241
Avg (participants): 2.1975
Avg (non-participants): 2.2880
Views since voting: 1311
Views during voting: 349
Votes: 206
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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05/25/2007 04:08:43 PM
sorry, to me it dont work. nothing in it to catch and hold the viewers eye. if even one part was kept in focus or if u had different colors, anything it might have been wayyy better.
As it is now, it looks like a video tape of a tv picture with out cable tv.
05/16/2007 11:50:41 PM
WOW... some of these comments are ridiculous.. I mean, to say something like "horribale" and spell it wrong, is what's truly "horrible".. lol.. Nice try for going really really really outside of the box.. Sometimes photo's have meaning to the photographer that no one else can understand.. And, that's Okay !!! I'm embarrassed for those who find it necessary to be short, cruel & mean with their comments. I didn't vote on this one, never got to it, but I honestly would have hovered around a 3 or so.. I don't need to tell you what you already know..

Keep up the challenge entries, you can only go up from here.. :-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/15/2007 01:47:02 PM
don't get it... probably getting a lot of bad comments. very very pixelated.
05/15/2007 12:23:55 AM
Woah.. WAY too cropped, sure its a sports watch but it has nothing to do with actual SPORTS. Kind of like taking a picture of a water bottle cuz football players drink from them lol :P Sorry to bash this picture so bad but its not done well.
05/14/2007 07:02:50 PM
How is this good photography?
05/14/2007 05:23:17 PM
05/14/2007 04:05:35 PM
This would be a good subject with a higher quality camera. Sorry it doesn't work here. Better luck next time.
05/13/2007 08:50:47 PM
Sorry to say, but this is not a good photo at all - pixelated, odd colored, out of focus, uninteresting - likely you are trying for a 'brown ribbon'.
05/13/2007 02:23:35 PM
I will not vote on a picture deliberately going for brown
05/13/2007 09:19:42 AM
Nice colors and patterns on the table. I have no problem with pixilization (is that a word?) in an image when it is used for artistic effect. The watch is not a very interesting subject, and there doesn't seem to be an interesting statement being made by this image, so I'm afraid it doesn't do anything for me.
05/12/2007 09:12:02 AM
poor focus- exposure - must be a mistake
05/12/2007 07:16:12 AM
not very sporting ,not clear what you are trying to achieve
05/11/2007 10:35:22 AM
Sorry but I don't get it.
05/10/2007 10:36:29 PM
hmmm. I am not really sure what to say about this, OOF, pixelated, and dead center composition not working for me.
05/10/2007 08:11:12 PM
The theme of sports equipment is a good one. Not sure why you would to go for an extreme pixelated image (or filter) though, it isn't a style that works. Not my lowest score, but close.
05/10/2007 11:45:36 AM
What happend to this image? It's too noisy - I'm sorry!
05/10/2007 10:16:17 AM
Sorry, but the pixelation doesn't work for me in this case.
05/10/2007 03:37:51 AM
Dude, you must be kidding...
05/10/2007 12:21:59 AM
is this a joke?
05/10/2007 12:03:54 AM
Too much noise. Not really a good subject for a sports challenge.
05/09/2007 10:05:35 PM
DNMC...probably. Pixelated something terrible.
05/09/2007 07:47:06 PM
Really good attempt. Nice use of the rule of "thirds". It's a shame you lost a few hundred pixels somewhere along the way.
05/09/2007 05:36:20 PM
Why do you want me to care for this image?

I am not convinced that it is a sports watch. It is highly pixelated, the color sucks, the lighting sucks, I can barely make anything out of this.

Don't give up, just do better.
05/09/2007 01:58:02 PM
You couldn't have possibly been serious when you entered this...
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05/09/2007 10:59:44 AM
Wow..there is nothing clear about this picture?
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05/09/2007 10:38:21 AM
I truly hope your going for the brown ribbon.
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05/09/2007 09:29:39 AM
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05/09/2007 08:57:43 AM
this entry does not fall within the parameters of this weeks challenge. That being said, I must judge this photograph accordingly. :-(
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05/09/2007 07:43:32 AM
ouch, looks very blown up and hard to see the subject. Looks like you need a better phone camera. lighting needs to be stonger and try useing a macro if you have the ability.
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05/09/2007 07:21:44 AM
VERY pixelated and not in focus
05/09/2007 07:02:21 AM
A little too good for the brown.
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05/09/2007 02:51:57 AM
Almost good enough for the Brownie
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05/09/2007 12:43:50 AM
too boring, too blurry = too (2)
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05/09/2007 12:24:50 AM
Not sure what happened here
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