Greetings from the Critique Club! Thanks for the opportunity to critique your image - I find I learn as much or more from doing this than I do from reading critiques of my own image!
Now, on to your shot:
I like the subject, and the way you've abstracted a natural form. The shallow depth of field works (with cateats we'll mention in the next section) to isolate your subject from the background. Your selective desat is technically pretty good; whether it adds to the image is debatable for me (though I don't know what the background looked like before, of course). The backlighting of the fern is clearly the strongest point in the images favor; the color and luminance is great.
Your biggest problem in this shot is the focus; the whole leaf seems a little off. Having the tip fade into out-of-focus would be ok, but it would need to be obviously deliberate.
I think the image would be improved if the leaf were on a diagonal, rather than up and down; that's one of those compositional rules that begs to be broken, but in this case I don't know that breaking it is doing you any favors. Also losing the tip of the fern is a problem.
Obviously the border bothers some people; I don't mind it and actually think you did it pretty tastefully, but I don't know that it adds much and borders are not loved in these parts so it likely hurt you score-wise.
Normally I'd comment on how I think it fit the challenge, but that's silly for a free study!
Overall, this is a nice subject and a pretty good treatment, but a little more emphasis on technicals would have added a lot. |