Music for LOVE, DEEP LOVE, COOL JAZZ. Purple is the color of lasting love. (Red is a flash in the pan -- excitement, passion, too hot to endure.) Lay back, chill out, get connected, and turn on to DPL.
The original photo is lovebugs on the white top of a cooler.
Cropped, Levels, Curves, Gradient Map, Artistic filters, Text, copied the bugs to include in the text letters (hope I don't get DQed for that), Saturation, Border, Resized, Smart sharpened, saved for web.
This was a feeble last minute idea, but turned out to be fun. I got a lot of PS practice. Don't expect much in the score department.
Disqualification Details
You may not use ANY editing tool to move, remove or duplicate any element of your photograph that would change a typical viewer's description of the photograph (aside from color), even if the tool is otherwise legal, and regardless of whether you intended the change when the photograph was taken.
Sorry about the DQ, Juli. You had fun and learned a PS trick or two in the process, so that's all to the good. Like how you tied in the font design with image subject, even if it was illegal. :)
Wow, are you sure you and Jeffrey didn't collaborate on your challenge entries? :-) Purple must have been in the air in both Florida and DC when you two were shooting these entries.