Hello from the Critique club, my name is Jon Rowe, and i will be looking at your image this evening :) Please know this is just my opinions, and my aim is to not tear the photo apart, but to offer constructive criticism as a critique of your image.
Composition/Lighting : The lighting in this was what you were given, so let me focus on the composition. I'm guessing that the vanishing point you were trying to show in this image was the lines on the side of the building going back. From a "creative standpoint", i probably would have cropped half the width of the building off of the right side of the image, that way a 2/3 x 1/3 crop (rule of thirds) would show off the building itself, and have the right side to show the "world outside" to add a little depth. the way it is now, there's more background city than there is building, and the building is your focal point. Reading your image description, you say that the city seems to run on forever, but the only leading lines to the "vanishing point" i see are the building. The image, during voting, needs to speak for itself rather than the description. you did a fine job, honestly. i truly think a different crop would have done wonders for this.
Challenge : i believe the reason for the 4 votes in this is due to the viewers inability to immediately find the vanishing points. as i stated earlier, the image must speak for itself, and in this one there unfortunately are not any obvious vanishing point lines. i commend you for trying, this was a tough challenge and i could not even think of an idea to enter, so i sat out.
Conclusion : in conclusion, i would say that this is probably about where i would expect it to end up as far as from a voting standpoint. i gave it a 5 while voting, but that does not say that it is a bad image at all. keep that camera handy, keep shooting, and continue improving. this is not a bad photo by any means. you did well!
Keep on shootin!
Good luck on your future challenges:)
-Jon Rowe |