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Safe Winter Travel
Safe Winter Travel

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Vehicles (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Altoona, PA
Date: Dec 14, 2003
Aperture: f 3.5
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Dec 16, 2003

This wasn't my intended photo for this challenge. I had a photo of the neighbor's truck tire but thanks to this forum thread //www.dpchallenge.com/forum.php?action=read&FORUM_THREAD_ID=59945 I didn't feel I should submit it.

So to all of those who say it doesn't fit the challenge well stop posting your outakes prior to the beginning of voting!

Place: 32 out of 200
Avg (all users): 5.8465
Avg (commenters): 7.8235
Avg (participants): 5.7374
Avg (non-participants): 5.9515
Views since voting: 1258
Votes: 202
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/24/2003 01:21:03 AM
Hi OneSweetSin,
The black & white works really well here. The tonal ranges are just about dead on. Not an easy thing to do with a digital camera. The tight cropping though a bit tight also works here because the child is sitting the ride is finished. I must say it is not often you see a photo that captures two completely different elements, 1) The sled meeting the Travel challange & 2) an excellent Portrait to boot. Well done !. What also works here is the soft focus in the face of the child it gives the viewer a sence of crisp cold air. The only thing I can see in the photo is his left arm from just below the shoulder to the elbow gets lost in the snow. This however I do not beleave is any fault of yours, It seems the angle of light, arm & snow just blend it all together. Over all this is a photo you should be very proud of a job very well done !

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/23/2003 10:00:45 PM
The kid is cute, the BW image is very fine, but you cropped into much in the front so the sled is just about out of the picture. NOTE: THE VEHICLE IS THE SUBJECT OF THE CHALLENGE NOT THE CUTE KID! However thank you for not framing it and great portrait.
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12/23/2003 05:13:56 PM
I like the eyes of the kid.Lovely.
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12/23/2003 11:26:59 AM
Using B&W does add something to this picture that I realy like. Not much I can say about this picture other then thar it is a litle soft focus but that is ok. Giv it 8
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12/23/2003 10:15:20 AM
Ladies ang gentlemen, I think we have a winner!!! WONDERFUL JOB!!!
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12/23/2003 08:41:29 AM
Crop is too tight for my taste, but an unique idea (congrats for it) and B&W works well here! :-) Maybe the eyes could be sharper, too, and I would have showed more of the sledge.
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12/22/2003 11:49:01 PM
This is a great shot, I give it an 8. It does, however, seem a bit over exposed and the crop is too tight on the left corner.
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12/22/2003 06:26:20 PM
My pick for one of the ribbons. The child's expression stands out from the well composed shot.
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12/22/2003 12:11:50 PM
Altogether not too bad. Its kind of on the cusp of not sharp enough, but as a portrait, I think its okay to not be pin sharp. I like the high-keyness of it, but you should've given him a little more "living" room, or room around him. This really tight crop is a little constrictive. This is a pretty recognizable kid too, esp sporting his Happy Valley garb, but I've been wrong before....
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12/20/2003 05:01:37 PM
Poor cutout on his left shoulder
12/18/2003 07:34:21 PM
Great portrait! and even though the main subject is the boy and not the sled, I gave you a high mark. Only issue I have with the picture is the soft focus. Other than that, I like it very much. Good luck in the challenge.
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12/18/2003 06:31:42 AM
Awesome shot ! Its one of the two i liked best from this challenge.
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12/17/2003 07:54:23 PM
This is an absolutely beautiful shot. If you don't get a blue ribbon with this, I will be shocked. The color is great, the look on his face captures such emotion, I just love it. Probably the most deserved 10 I have ever given.
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12/17/2003 03:24:15 PM
He'll be playing for Paterno because he'll never age or retire!! Okay now the shot: It has a bit of a nostalgic feel. I'm not sure if it's the old sled, the boys expression, or the b&w, but a good feel. It's a little soft of focus, but strong on character.
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12/17/2003 11:38:22 AM
Nice use of black and white. Good shot.
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12/17/2003 04:23:51 AM
Very nicely taken indeed.
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12/17/2003 04:21:32 AM
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12/17/2003 03:05:00 AM
Nice high contrast.
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