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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: On the Edge (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Tallinn
Date: Dec 19, 2003
Aperture: 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/4
Galleries: Macro
Date Uploaded: Dec 19, 2003


Place: 121 out of 164
Avg (all users): 4.6732
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.4583
Avg (non-participants): 4.7895
Views since voting: 1342
Votes: 205
Comments: 31
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/09/2007 03:07:42 AM
very sad, but technically very good. *runs away*
01/03/2004 10:23:58 PM
I actually gave this a 7 and in retrospect should've scored it much higher. Obviously Kinks didn't kill a mouse just for the pic.

Message edited by author 2004-01-03 22:24:29.
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12/31/2003 08:56:51 PM
I too think the picture was way under-rated but I understand how emotional some people can become.

Maybe I'm mistaken but I see a much different picture here. I see a well trained pet posing with a mousetrap that not only has been substantially modified to not harm the animal, but also appears at a higher elevation than the animal.

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12/31/2003 02:14:10 PM
Way underrated!!! I love it because of the strong message and it is a shocking photo, yeah. I would be curious about animal lovers' face when these sweet little mice eat their books and food: I would never taste a thing that they had tasted before me. (Anyway just before mice fans kill me, I want to say I like mice and I feel sorry for this one, too, as for all of them who are killed - or fake-killed - with traps.)

C'mon, so many 1, 2, 3 for such a good quality photo is a shame...

Message edited by author 2003-12-31 18:40:35.
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12/31/2003 12:13:44 AM
Takes guts to submit stuff like this. Glad you had them for this shot. I once had to "take out" 27 mice in a four month period in an old house I was living in about 10 years ago. I have no mercy for these little guys when they're on my turf.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/30/2003 08:48:11 PM
I was gonna comment on this shot, but decided not to bother...
12/30/2003 06:44:40 PM
Technically well made and fits the challenge well, but way to harsh for my taste, allthough I see dead mices almost every morning when they are brought to our frontdoor by our cats.
12/30/2003 06:02:59 PM
Sorry ...I can't look at this picture
12/30/2003 01:40:30 PM
I can't stand Mice, Gothcha Sucka! Nasty! Great shot though, amybe you can post this shot in alleys and stuff and maybe they will get the idea. You think? hahahahaha
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12/30/2003 01:46:53 AM
How sad
12/30/2003 12:40:53 AM
Poor little mousie. I hope she didn't suffer. Unique photo, but I hope you don't get hammered.
12/29/2003 05:19:11 PM
this is a bit.... gruessome... poor mouse.... :(
12/29/2003 02:03:46 PM
This is technically fine, I suppose, but it makes me very unhappy to look at it. I sincerely hope this animal wasn't injured to get this shot; at the very least, it's terribly scared.
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12/28/2003 05:20:16 PM
Very cruel...
12/28/2003 12:08:30 AM
who wants to see this
12/27/2003 10:55:31 PM
I hope this is not a real image. Sad haunting and disturbing
12/26/2003 01:31:10 PM
yikes, poor guy, I always liked mice...he overstepped the boundary between nature and civilization?
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12/26/2003 12:04:24 PM
This is my favourite in this challenge. :-) Excellent composition, unique idea and great use of DOF, meets the challenge well. Good luck! :-)
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12/26/2003 07:02:17 AM
he looks soooo sad!!
you evil man!
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12/26/2003 03:46:53 AM
Did mouse survive the ordeal? Good concept, maybe better if the trap was still raised about to fall. Nice composition.
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12/25/2003 06:41:09 PM
No blood in the ears or nose, this must be a very fresh kill :-)
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12/25/2003 03:25:12 AM
woah. definitely a different sort of animal entry. just makes me wonder how you took it (doesn't look dead to me.. looks a bit like a model). either way, a nice capture. unfortunately, i imagine you might receive some low scores from animal lovers solely based on the subject.
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12/24/2003 11:05:32 PM
Outstanding photography and imagination.
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12/24/2003 07:52:55 PM
technically very good but as an image it is offensive to me and I personally see no connection to the challenge
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12/24/2003 07:12:00 PM
Damn, I actually feel sorry for the little guy. Wouldn't like to meet him face to face though. Nice shot!
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12/24/2003 05:07:07 PM
many will complain... bwahhaa..
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12/24/2003 01:31:36 PM
Boy are you going to get some stick for this! I gave you an extra mark for having the balls to put this up here. Technically the colour and focus and dof is very good. 7
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12/24/2003 01:28:58 PM
Taking a chance. You'll get lots of 1's from animal lovers.
Nice clear shot.
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12/24/2003 11:34:09 AM
Urrrgggg.... It's certianly an interesting photo! Technically spot on too.
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12/24/2003 07:17:40 AM
Great idea! Nice shot. I like the way that you set trap don´t to hurt the mouse.
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12/24/2003 12:44:24 AM
a bit repulsive.
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