Greetings from the Critique Club
Initial thoughts/My opinion
Nice composition, it has a 3D touch because of the narrow DOF, good colour choice, Woow-factor is missing.
The content is of course something everybody knows and that's usually a good choice for macro-shots: to show something well known on an unusual length scale, allowing to see details otherwise unseen.
However, probably everybody has looked at earphones at this scale though.
So you tried to work via the arrangement and angle of view to make them appear more interesting. To me it worked at least in parts: crossing them works very well to me and especially that the focal plane is tilted relative to the surface was a great choice. This leads to the nicely focused surface texture on the lower right and the good focus on the Sony-symbols, and hence it's 3-dimensional. Like that very much!
The shadows are well placed and cropping and overall placement of the interesting parts is well made too. Also, it follows the rule of third very well.
A major compositional drawback is the glare on the Sony symbols: they are the focus, and hence they should be without any strong disturbances. Trying to move the reflections of the lamp somewhere else might have help (maybe not possible) or the use of a polarizer.
Camera work -technically
Beside the reflections noting worth mentioning. Good camera work. Especially it's sharp were it should be.
Digital Processing - Technical
Also well made, especially not over sharpened. Also your colour choice was good and the level adjusted well too. You might have tried to get rid of the reflections via the software, because that would have been allowed.
Fits the challenge
Of course it does
Keep up the good work and
Good luck for you further submissions