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Shotgun Salad Dressing
Shotgun Salad Dressing

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Candid (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2000Z
Location: Winona, Arizona
Date: Aug 31, 2002
Aperture: F3.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/800 sec
Date Uploaded: Aug 31, 2002


Place: 128 out of 172
Avg (all users): 4.8213
Avg (commenters): 5.3846
Avg (participants): 4.7279
Avg (non-participants): 4.9032
Views since voting: 1163
Votes: 291
Comments: 30
Favorites: 0

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09/09/2002 01:03:00 PM
You got ripped! I thought this was a wonderful piece. So sad!
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09/09/2002 01:54:00 AM
Thanks to all who took the time to comment on my entry.

I learned quite a bit from people's reactions on this contest as a whole. I wish I could've gotten the expression on the shooter's face (turns out he didn't snuggle the gunstock quite right and ended up hurting himself a bit in this picture...heheh). But getting that facial expression would've involved a bit more personal endangerment that I was ready to take on--some glass from the bottle of salad dressing ended up spraying me as it was. Yowza. I think I'll take my chances getting beat up by angry people on the street next time. :-)

As to timing the shot, it wasn't by using a continuous advance feature. But timing my shots was something I had really tried to work on recently. This particular day, I got a lot of practice half-pressing the shutter release to get exposure and focus locked in, then hanging nice & still before quick-pressing the rest of the way to finish the shot. There were quite a few people blasting away at this little dump, and the first several pictures I grabbed were badly timed; this was the last one I had a chance to grab, and managed to nail the timing pretty squarely after he fired off the shot.
09/09/2002 12:27:00 AM
I don't understand why people think an action shot can't also be candid. You deserved a better placement; but hey, it's the photo and not the placement that matters. Great job. My 9 stands.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/07/2002 06:58:00 PM
really nice image, but it doesn't really fit in the topic
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09/07/2002 12:13:00 PM
have so many good things to see, but so many not.... its a good pic u got 10
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09/07/2002 11:38:00 AM
I dont understand the title or how this is candid. This would be a good stopped motion photo. The background is distracting, get rid of or at least turn over the Bud box(it wouldn't be candid then i supose). I hope it was empty. No reason to risk the lives of innocent Beer. For stopped motion try to stay on the light side and use as much flash as you can.
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09/06/2002 06:57:00 PM
looks dangerous....hell of a recoil! - messed lens up?
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09/06/2002 12:59:00 PM
Great stop action. What a mess! Good framing and composition. karmat
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09/06/2002 12:35:00 AM
Nice action shot, the debris stands out well against the dark background. I guess it got shot twice ;- )
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09/05/2002 05:08:00 PM
The subject here seems to be the blast of the ... what was it? Salad dressing and/or beer? .... A candid of the person is lost in this composition. Great stop motion btw.
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09/05/2002 09:02:00 AM
Great shot, both you and this guy - whatever he shot. Nice composition.
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09/05/2002 06:55:00 AM
Looks like a lot of fun... but what on earth is getting shot?
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09/05/2002 02:06:00 AM
Is this someone shooting a shotgun at a case of beer? If it is its a great action shot,, but candid?
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09/04/2002 04:05:00 PM
QUITE NICE. So, I'm curious if this was a lucky catch or if you had your camera set to continuous advance? Not that it matters, it just helps me grow as a photographer. I have nothing constructive to add to this photo. It's great. In my top three for the week. 9, just-married
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09/04/2002 03:54:00 PM
WOW .... what timing on that shot ... i'm not a big fan of guns - but this shot is really cool - Ayme -8
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09/04/2002 03:46:00 PM
Nice picture once you deciphered it.
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09/04/2002 02:41:00 PM
Now this isi a great picture. I love it!!!
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09/04/2002 09:04:00 AM
I don't like it...Because, the main subject of this seems to be the exploding beer and whatever else there is in there. The more interesting shot would have been the person's face as he pulled the trigger or when he saw the things explore.
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09/04/2002 12:54:00 AM
would have been good for the stopped motion series. kerblowie
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09/03/2002 07:19:00 PM
Wow, great fun! Good timing. Did you get any on you? This might not win the challenge, but who knows...I gave it a 10!! Swash
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09/03/2002 03:18:00 PM
Great shot. Can't get much more candid (or fun) than blowing things away with a shotgun. What kind of dressing was that? Focus is great. Lighting is great. 9
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09/02/2002 10:41:00 PM
mood captured - redneck with too much time on his hands
sincerity of expressions - average (also, can't even see his face)
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09/02/2002 02:14:00 PM
OK photo, but absolutely no connection to the Challenge.
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09/02/2002 01:26:00 PM
Nice stopped motion :) - jmsetzler
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09/02/2002 11:41:00 AM
Kaboom! Pretty good shot but really not enough contrast or color to see detail.
Your timing was sure good. Score 6 Justine
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09/02/2002 11:22:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background5,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing6,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating5. Autool

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09/02/2002 10:46:00 AM
This seems to be an 'action' shot rather than a 'candid.' The reaction of the shooter would have been of interest in the 'candid' sense. It also seems to be staged, but I'll assume it was not. Interesting shot but off challenge, I think. 3 Jak
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09/02/2002 10:36:00 AM
I think this is a really great picture. I do question if it is candid or not. I guess if you define candid as 'spur of the moment' or something captured spontanously then this fits the bill.
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09/02/2002 02:11:00 AM
That is an awesome picture. Whenever I try to do a picture like this the water is always blurry or the picture is too dark.
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09/02/2002 01:22:00 AM
I don't know what the hell was going on here, but I'm glad I wasn't in the way!
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