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Waiter, My Dinner is Moving!
Waiter, My Dinner is Moving!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Selective Desaturation II (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Date: May 20, 2007
Galleries: Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: May 20, 2007


Place: 8 out of 556
Avg (all users): 6.5992
Avg (commenters): 8.2174
Avg (participants): 6.4868
Avg (non-participants): 7.0417
Views since voting: 4246
Views during voting: 420
Votes: 237
Comments: 35
Favorites: 8 (view)

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06/26/2007 01:54:45 PM
Really like this.
06/26/2007 11:23:29 AM
HAHA. I really like this, and plus, I think most everyone can relate. You'll go somewhere, like an oriental restaurant/buffet, and you'll be walking along the buffet (browsing it), then you see the squid/octopus/mysterious-critter-that-doesn't-belong-on-this-planet tentacles... you know what I mean.

05/30/2007 04:18:25 PM
Originally posted by m_sarzynski:

If you weren't on my team I would have given you a 10! It's so unusual and fun! How did you manage to get the tentacle to stay in that position? Coat hanger?

Thanks, nice of you to say. Yep, coat hanger, but it was a huge pain. I bent the hangar into a rough position thinking that it would be easy to make adjustments to it as I went. Nope. The octopus had a memory of where it was and kept twirling around the hangar back to that position. Unfortunately, that position was with suckers away from camera. I envisioned something different than I got but with only an hour to shoot, edit, and enter before the deadline I had to go with this.
05/29/2007 10:07:51 PM
If you weren't on my team I would have given you a 10! It's so unusual and fun! How did you manage to get the tentacle to stay in that position? Coat hanger?
05/29/2007 12:33:43 PM
Love it! My fav of them all!
05/28/2007 11:42:43 PM
Very funny and a very nice idea well executed. Congratulations on your top ten finish.
05/28/2007 01:28:10 AM
good stuff! and the photo too.
05/28/2007 01:01:14 AM
Originally posted by sfalice:

This made me chuckle during the Challenge and still does.

Good one!

Thanks, made the kitchen reek for a few days after the shot. I don't know which is sillier, the photo or my SO and I running around after sticking our octopus stinking hands in each other's faces forcing each other to smell its nasty stank.
05/28/2007 12:46:43 AM
This made me chuckle during the Challenge and still does.

Good one!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/26/2007 04:52:20 PM
This is amusing and well done! The tones, lighting, and contrasts are good. Nice shot! ;)
05/26/2007 11:09:49 AM
How was it?

05/26/2007 04:49:18 AM
yuk...........8 :)
05/26/2007 02:39:27 AM
Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwww. Disgustingly great shot.
05/24/2007 11:01:00 PM
clever, crisp, one of my tens. well done
05/24/2007 11:38:29 AM
That is just.....8
05/23/2007 07:20:30 PM
Tasty. 6
05/23/2007 01:16:46 PM
It made me chuckle, now that's what I call fresh! Good composition, lighting and focus. Certainly a one-off, should do well.
05/23/2007 12:41:30 PM
LOL! 10
great idea, clarity and lighting! fav
05/22/2007 11:23:43 PM
Great sense of humor and it great picture to go with it.
05/22/2007 08:57:01 PM
really great pictures, one of my favourits in this challenge, Once saw a guy in a sushi bar eat one alive lets just say it was more fun to watch then it would be to eat...
05/22/2007 06:10:10 PM
This is freaking awsome, Is this Shannon? a top 10 for sure
05/22/2007 04:20:07 PM
This is one of the most unique images I have seen on DPC...well done. 10
05/22/2007 03:15:40 PM
Mmmmm...something to feed the trolls who are staying at my house! 10.
05/22/2007 09:40:31 AM
I love this - your b&w toning is excellent and your use of selective desat is perfect. Good luck in the challenge! 10
05/22/2007 09:14:45 AM
nice shot
05/22/2007 06:07:18 AM
Nice subject, makes you kinda hungry especially at breakfast. Hope it does well. Strong 9
05/21/2007 08:35:29 PM
lol, makes me hungry
05/21/2007 04:40:57 PM
This is hysterical! I love the concept and it's logical for the octopus to be the only colored thing in the picture since it's the only living thing. Awesome job :-)
05/21/2007 04:25:52 PM
oooooh my! lol. Well I'm sure this one is bound to attract some attention. I feel this image would benefit from some very mundane food in there to add a bit more humor (like a coca cola in a glass or a side of fries or a little platter with some lemon and basil or something)... or perhaps even a stuffy-looking person about to eat like there is nothing in the world wrong with their dinner, just something to balance out the absurd with the mundane. I would be interested in seein this in a top-down perspective also, to make it seem more like from the "diner's" perspective as opposed to a catalog type image.

Overal technically well done image, selective desat was used well. Nice job!
05/21/2007 02:24:52 PM
bite it and pray that it doesn't bite back
05/21/2007 02:10:55 PM
Haahaa, very creative picture.
05/21/2007 11:35:30 AM
Yikes... great shot
05/21/2007 08:02:26 AM
I like it. Best so far.
05/21/2007 05:46:40 AM
Lol! Very funny image. I like the use of colour here. Makes that octopus seem way more creepy than if the whole image had been b&w. Nice work.
05/21/2007 12:15:34 AM


great composition, simple but well created seen

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