Greetings from the Critique Club
Initial thoughts/My opinion
Not very special, just another jewellery image, why is there so much space on the upper left. What happens to the glass of the watch, seems turbid.
Presenting jewellery in a macro challenge is a good idea, while not new. The watch you selected looks fine to me: not very shinny and new, one sees that it has been used for some time. The chain segments are solid made and strong, that's also good in my opinion.
Placing it on a white surface is also fine: very neutral. And you managed it to make it pure white: thumb up for that. Also the shadow of the watch is well made: no harsh and sharp edges and also the shadow is not too dark.
This part shows the effort you put into the image!
In your composition the element of negative space is a bit too much: to me there is no need for having it. Also the watch is reduced to a 2-dimensional object (only the shadow give some depth). Of course a watch is more or less 2D, that's why they are most times shown rolled up, thus giving some volume, or by using a lower angle of view.
The watch is to me not too appealing because of the turbid glass: can't tell if its an artefact of the image or the glass itself. Also the overexposed reflections are too much: some bright spots are fine to make an object look shiny, but here there are too large sections overexposed.
One personal suggestion: because the watch isn't brand new, you could have gone much closer and try to work out the signs of usage. Together with an appropriate title this would have scored probably higher. Your technical skills for sure are great.
Camera work -technically
Could be a little sharper, but overall fine. Beside the reflections, exposure is good too.
Digital Processing - Technical
You could have increased the contrast a little bit to make the image more dynamic. Also a little more sharpening would have helped in the same direction
Fits the challenge
Of course it does!
Good luck for you further submissions! |