Greetings from the Critique Club
Oh,these delightful river boats/barges that ply the waters of England, Holland and other places. I had the pleasure of cruizing on one of these once, and loved the experience.
Okay, to work: I looked and looked at this wondering why it didn't resonate with our voters. I think you had a tricky lighting situation here with the dark darks on the river banks, constrasting sharply with the bright water. (And that water color is a joy to look at) You had multiple focus points - the water, the boat, the bank - but none of them would keep a viewers attention very long. So, my only suggestion (and I'm still struggling with this nice image) would be to make a strong focal point - say the boat - and subordinate all else to it.
Does that make sense? Whatever, it's what I think when I analyze this image, and I hope it helps you.
Alice |