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The Ugliest Ornaments.... EVER
The Ugliest Ornaments.... EVER

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Tacky Holiday Decorations (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: My Christmas Tree
Date: Dec 25, 2003
Aperture: f/4.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1 sec.
Galleries: Humorous, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Dec 25, 2003

Every year at Thanksgiving, my grandmother gives me a Christmas ornament. This year I received my 31st ornament. In 1979, when I was 6, I went to Gramma's for Thanksgiving and she told me to go look for my ornament. I spent the day searching, and when she finally gave them to me I reportedly said, "Those are my ornament?!!?! I found those a long time ago!!" Notice the male doll even has ancient claw marks in his face from where my cat attacked him years ago! Tacky as they may be, they proudly hold their place on my tree every single year, and they always will.

Resize and added border, nothing else done to it!

Place: 81 out of 118
Avg (all users): 4.8939
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.6949
Avg (non-participants): 4.9917
Views since voting: 1088
Votes: 179
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0

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01/11/2004 09:42:04 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club

Initial thoughts/My opinion
Ugly? No. Tacky, yes (still not sure about the term tacky though). Nicely composed, a little on the dark side.

I believe your submission would have done way better with a different title. When I saw the image during voting I was really amazed about the title and thought "Our 7 years old would love to have our tree only made up with these dolls". So to me the title came out a little harsh. And your story behind these ornaments tell me that you don't see them as soooo ugly too.
Of course, the dolls might be the ugliest ornaments given to you by your grandmother, but the voters didn't know.
Coming to the image itself, I have to say that it is nicely composed with the tree as background and the dolls left and right. Only the light in the middle is to bright. You may have avoided this be shining some light from a desk lamp or so onto the dolls, so you could have used a shorter shutter time. This would have also brightened up the whole scene (of course, too bright should be avoided).
I like the green glow on the boy's hair.

Camera work -technically
Focus is set fine, just a little underexposed. Also the white balance seems a little of: the image has an orange cast.

Digital Processing - Technical
The issues exposure and white balance could have been addressed very easily digitally, because the picture quality itself is good enough to withstand some alteration without starting to look digitally overdone.
I thing that a stronger, multiple colour border might have been better for this kind of image too.

Fits the challenge
Of course it does.

Good luck for your further submissions
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/02/2004 09:05:04 AM
I find the pickle more ugly!!!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/02/2004 06:08:37 AM
Ugly !
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01/01/2004 06:08:50 PM
Awww come on....you don't like the Campbell Soup Kids? Did you know they were the Campbell Soup Kids? Little on the dark side for my tastes though the detail is very good.
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12/31/2003 12:35:02 AM
I think they're kind of cute! :-)
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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