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Science Fiction - Alien Invasion
Science Fiction - Alien Invasion

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Science II (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D
Lens: Konica Minolta AF 28mm f/2.0
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Date: May 25, 2007
Aperture: F2
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/15
Galleries: Humorous, Science and Technology
Date Uploaded: May 29, 2007

Sheep against a high power spot light, lots of lens flare

Place: 204 out of 222
Avg (all users): 4.4928
Avg (commenters): 3.5556
Avg (participants): 4.1587
Avg (non-participants): 4.6389
Views since voting: 1035
Views during voting: 297
Votes: 207
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/05/2007 03:41:24 PM
chhsssssssssssss no
06/04/2007 11:50:03 AM
The noise and glare of this photo is quite fitting with your title. Very creative.
06/04/2007 11:13:39 AM
Great idea, bad exicution, the flare on top of the bright light makes it hard to see what is going on in this shot. the focus is soft, and there is very little detail to speak of because of it. I also dont like that i can see the top of hte house the bright light was comming from.
06/04/2007 01:08:01 AM
Not on theme
06/01/2007 01:21:25 PM
Obviously, it is nowhere perfect techically, but that only makes it more real. I like it! Would have been even creepier if the sheep headed towards the camera, as if they were the aliens.
06/01/2007 01:47:08 AM
Well, I have to admit, I don't care for the photo at all. The quality is low, the light is very annoying, and it's out of focus. Not trying to be "mean", just my honest opinion. On the other hand, if you were trying to make a humorous point, you did a great job. This really reminds me of a campy alien invasian flick.
05/31/2007 11:56:53 PM
You get some points for creativity, but need to work on your technical execution.
05/31/2007 02:50:01 PM
the flares are at the same time distracting, and a great touch here. i'd have maybe cropped in just a little further on the right side. 5
05/30/2007 11:50:51 PM
Looks like it was shot from a camera phone. I can maybe imagine a character in a movie shooting this, and it ending up on CNN, and in the end the photog gets the girl. But I have to seriously suspend reality to get there. it is edgy. and it has a certain reality TV sort of feel ... but not a photo I resonate with.
05/30/2007 11:07:02 PM
Not very comvincing

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