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Count Your Blessings
Count Your Blessings

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motivational Poster (Advanced Editing I*)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: Manila, Philippines
Date: Dec 26, 2003
Aperture: 100
ISO: 100
Shutter: 100
Galleries: Portraiture, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Dec 28, 2003

One of the streetchildren in Manila.

Place: 4 out of 94
Avg (all users): 7.1582
Avg (commenters): 8.2609
Avg (participants): 6.8308
Avg (non-participants): 7.3482
Views since voting: 7560
Votes: 177
Comments: 36
Favorites: 22 (view)

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07/22/2006 04:06:41 PM
i think this photo is really great but the text takes something away from the image.
01/09/2004 05:27:32 PM
Greetings and Happy New Year from the CC, this was one of my favorite shots in this challenge. I think you did a great job of conveying an emotive feel, your choice of words is poignant and yet not overpowering the image and concientiously placed. I think you chose a fantastic subject, as you look at this beautiful yound girl I feel compelled to create a story about who she is and how she got to be where she is. Her face reveals such great human tension. Technically the shot is well composed, well lit and sharp. Excellent work, keep shooting. ( Sorry I don't have more criticisms for you, I think the shot is very well done), perhaps an idea would be to try it in black and white or sepia.
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01/08/2004 11:30:37 AM
Very powerful.
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01/05/2004 08:00:51 AM
I have to say hats down to this entry. I feel really weird winning the third place with a droplet of water image... Yours is just truly emotional for me. There were many great posters in this challenge, but in my heart this is the winner for me.
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01/05/2004 04:21:07 AM
Not the best 'poster', but without a doubt one of the best photographs I have seen on DPC in my time.
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01/05/2004 02:51:08 AM
Knew this would place high! Well done!
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01/05/2004 12:21:02 AM
Looks like the best from me will always be a breath away from a ribbon. But I am pretty satisfied with the ranking and was initially surprised when, on the first day of the voting, the picture was getting good scores.

Anyway, I have yet to submit my original picture and explain my post-processing work (which was very minimal) later. I just would like to say more about this shot. She is a real streetchild. She was almost unaware of my presence when I put a coin next to her but when I aimed my camera at her, she started to hide her face. Upon the coaxing of other steetchildren, the rest of my shot of her have her entire face visible and even with a slight grin on her lips.

This is the reality in the streets of Manila last Christmas. Simple wishes, simple happiness for them. At the end of the day, they retreat back to their shanties with a smile on their faces, thankful for the little blessings they received from kind souls. (I just wish that they are not one of those kids fielded by syndicates.)
01/05/2004 12:06:41 AM
Congratulations such a good finish and an excellent score Manuel! I didn't submit to this challenge, but this is one of my favorites. Simple and to the point!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/04/2004 11:35:43 PM
Beautiful photo... very nice composition. The message in the text doesn't seem to reflect on the face of the subject though. Her mood is sort of gloomy instead of cheerful. 7
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01/04/2004 03:06:44 PM
Now this one has "Bam" power as Emeril would say.
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01/03/2004 12:11:00 PM
Powerful message; simple text; Subtle tones add to the impact. Nicely done.
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01/03/2004 08:56:34 AM
The most effective image in the challenge, you get my top vote - 9
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01/03/2004 04:16:50 AM
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01/02/2004 01:13:02 PM
Poignant. A few minor flaws (light rectangle around the words and a bit bright on the top of her shirt and her nose), but very well done. The model has a great pose and the setting is perfect.
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01/02/2004 10:36:53 AM
nice impact poster...
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01/02/2004 05:58:07 AM
Give you 9 for this one. It realy touched my heart.
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01/02/2004 03:49:16 AM
and make sure you share some with others. Moving picture and text. Good one.
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01/01/2004 12:13:07 PM
Great job. Very emotive.
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12/31/2003 02:18:19 AM
The treasure of the earth is found only in the heart.
It is my prayer she will find the gift of love.
I like this picture very much. It is my hope it will help many.
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12/30/2003 10:27:11 PM
This is a truly beautiful presentation.....10
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12/30/2003 07:51:00 AM
Very powerful message, and a great shot. Think the border is a little over done, otherwise pretty spot on. Top 10 or higher, maybe?
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12/30/2003 01:07:02 AM
What a shot! Would like to see it in bw to add a bit of esthetic beauty to the shot & rawness of the situation. I would also have put the "she does" in regular size instead of parantheticals. Great photojournalism! 10!
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12/29/2003 11:05:30 PM
Very emotional,the best photo of the challenge, 10 + from me!
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12/29/2003 04:28:42 PM
Great interpretation. The shot is nice too.
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12/29/2003 02:30:53 PM
A very strong marriage of concept and image. I'd actually drop the part in parentheses as it isn't required - let the viewer figure it out for themselves.
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12/29/2003 02:02:51 PM
Stunning impact. I like it. Compliments only.
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12/29/2003 10:17:12 AM
This is a fantastic image - the most talented of photojournalists should not be ashamed to have one like this!
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12/29/2003 08:53:14 AM
Very touching photo. Makes for wonderful photojournalism also. 10 for the emotion!
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12/29/2003 08:51:25 AM
Wonderful message and beautiful portrait. Fantastic!
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12/29/2003 08:28:33 AM
Grabs at your heartstrings...this would be a good poster for one of those feed the children organizations.
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12/29/2003 07:48:54 AM
Great composition and great message. 10
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12/29/2003 07:14:22 AM
very emotional and strong photo
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12/29/2003 05:40:14 AM
Brilliant shot here on so many levels.

Looking at the picture first, the image of the girl makes us think how lucky we are. The dirt around her legs, feet etc and how she's hiding looking vulnerable.

Then, looking at the title it adds so much, reinforces what I was thinking.

Only little niggles about this picture, the words in brackets might have looked better in the middle of the text? And, I can see a faint box around the text that you have entered.

Great shot, 9/10
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12/29/2003 03:55:00 AM
One of the most emotional posters in this run. I wouldn't change a thing about the photo itself, but the frame could have been simpler for this kind of message. Also, I think it would have been even more powerful in b&w form. But don't get me wrong, I really love this poster.
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12/29/2003 01:56:50 AM
How often we take for granted the simple things in life... Good capture!
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12/29/2003 12:25:03 AM
Beautiful photo, and hard hitting message. Love it.
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