1)Your original isn't balanced. By putting the fountain as the center focal point, the photo seems less cluttered. To me making the fountain the focal point, actually focuses the viewer on the children more. Cropping also chopped out the tree that was coming in from the left. I did crop out a small bit of empty blue sky, but I left most of it, because it shows the height of the fountain. As a bonus with the tighter crop, I noticed the bicyclist behind the fountain. Ooo, depth!
2) Your original really was over sharpened. I tried correcting this by blurring the youngest one's face a tad and dodging/burning it at the pixel level. (Meaning, I zoomed WAY in, heh) The best way to fix this is to not over sharpen. It's easy to get carried away trying to sharpen water drops from fountains, but don't forget to look at what it's doing to the image as a whole. You lost nearly all detail in the faces of the children, and they were your subject, not the fountain. I also ran the image through Neat Image in attempts to soften it.
3) I cloned out the wire that other people were talking about. It really was distracting, heh.
4) I Dodged and Burned the bricks a little.
My Edit