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Baking Day
Baking Day

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: December Free Study (Advanced Editing I*)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G5
Location: My Kitchen
Date: Dec 7, 2003
Aperture: 2.2
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/60
Date Uploaded: Dec 31, 2003

I predict this will not do well, simply due to the subject matter.

At any rate, this is my 2 year old making cookies with his mother. As you can tell, he is having a blast.

Post processing: Create dupe layer, Gaussian Blur on BG layer rad 7.8, select the background (wall, etc) on layer 1, erase background, tweak, flatten, clone out hotspots on face and some other spots. resize, save 4 web, submit.

Place: 137 out of 193
Avg (all users): 5.1005
Avg (commenters): 6.1667
Avg (participants): 5.0543
Avg (non-participants): 5.1750
Views since voting: 1197
Votes: 209
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2004 08:38:04 AM
what a cutie! He looks like a lot of help in the kitchen
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01/09/2004 09:49:04 AM
looks like he is having fun :)
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01/08/2004 10:23:30 AM
Very charming photo. Conveys a great sense of mood and playfulness, so top honors for that. As far as the technical details. Lighting & framing. You took this at night w/the curtain flash, which you may or may not have been able to help. The shadows are distracting and there isn't enough light on the background to contrast your subject. Also the lack of light does not allow for details to show up on the primary subject and the dough. You did a good job with what you had though.

Framing. You've got negative space to the right of the subject, which was needed to show the cookie dough. This negative space must be balanced to the left as well, and it is not. I am not sure if this was cropped out before or after, but leaving just a little more in would have help me from thinking the hand was almost lost in the shot.

As far as candids go, this is a great shot. Looks like everyone was having a ball.
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01/05/2004 03:21:42 PM
Now here is a face that says it all, he is adorable, you captured this special moment wonderfully, the expression on the face the subject being slightly off center was a good choice also, gives more detail to the dough and of course the wonderful floury mess we all love so much good job 9
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01/05/2004 12:30:29 PM
A shot to treasure. A bit of a halo around his shoulders which i guess is a result of a bit of work in PS. Good luck.
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01/05/2004 09:35:10 AM
cute photo!
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01/03/2004 01:53:56 PM
Fun; excellent; clean up some blemishes on face
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01/02/2004 04:06:35 PM
Here is a real christmas spirit! Good picture! Nice expression.
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01/02/2004 10:46:28 AM
Good for the family album but as a portrait shot it doesn't inpire me to care about the subject. Good DOF throwing the background into a soft focus. Composition seems a bit like the little guy is about to go out the left edge = 3
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01/02/2004 01:13:48 AM
I love the expression. nice photo.
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01/01/2004 07:01:07 PM
Awww...he is so cute! I love these shots. He is going to be a future chef it looks like. Where they good? hehehhe.... Good luck!
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01/01/2004 02:14:13 AM
This little guy is really enjoying himself here!! A wonderful capture of his happiness! 10 +
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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