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To love myself again...
To love myself again...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: New Year's Resolution II (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DX3600
Location: Oregon
Date: Dec 31, 2003
Galleries: Black and White, Nude
Date Uploaded: Dec 31, 2003


Place: 39 out of 169
Avg (all users): 5.7661
Avg (commenters): 7.6667
Avg (participants): 5.5050
Avg (non-participants): 5.9456
Views since voting: 7399
Votes: 248
Comments: 38
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/17/2007 03:12:54 AM
beautiful honesty
02/22/2005 10:13:29 AM
reminds me of jenny saville's work.


02/22/2005 09:54:37 AM
Reviewing some of my favourites, 14 months later this still stands out for me as among the stronger works of art on the site.
08/25/2004 08:25:19 PM
Some things are just not ment to be photographed. This is a prime example.
01/14/2004 10:51:28 PM
I was also dissapointed in your 39th place. I thought this picture diserved much better. I applaud your bravery in taking this shot. You made a very powerful statment and the angle of the shot and your use of black and white was in my opinion supurb. Very rarely does a shot grab me like yours did. I thought of it long after I saw it. Very well done, and good luck to you in achieving your New Years resolution!
01/14/2004 08:12:47 AM
39th place?!?!? That's unbelievably disappointing, but says more about the suspect taste of some voters than it says about this shot. I noticed that of the eighteen people who voted 1 or 2, only one person had the guts to comment negatively on this picture.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/13/2004 03:42:15 PM
This is a bold and brave shot, and appluad your submitting it. The lighting is unfortanetly overexposed a little on the stomach area, and wish there was a 1/4inch off the top, tho I recgonize the loss of eye, which would be unfortunate, my biggest technical criticisms. However I really like the compostion and the lines that are wonderfully captured. The shadows are great. The tilt of the womans head and placement of her hand are show a modesty and shame, that I think compliments the intent of the shot. Kudos to this model!!
01/13/2004 03:31:37 PM
I like it very much!
01/13/2004 03:30:09 PM
A mercilessly harsh (self-?) portrait likely to elicit more aversion than appreciation from most viewers. The lighting/contrast is extreme enough to blow out more than just highlights, taking away any opportunity for a too easily available aesthetic perception, never mind a sensual one. Yet,

the brutal honesty of made choices here (subject, perspective and manner) appears as powerfully credible and disarming as it is relentless. Given the psychology implied, it is astounding to find that the image appears to be quite well and -consciously- composed. The diagonal lines not only order and balance the available light and shadows but also -charge- what would otherwise be a high key grayscale image. The short intersecting wave (top left diagonal line) adds an almost musical or poetic element, as the only (delightful) softness outside of the nearly faint inclusion of a face.

A slightly tighter crop here (at the top, eliminating the small of the shoulder), although perhaps advantageous to a perfect composition, would also remove the only true anchor (face and eye) of this remarkably intimate photograph.

Considering the artless paradigms of the challenge topic, its attributes have not only been met but excel anything I would have thought possible. I cannot help but award both the stark truth of this capture and the evident candor of the photographer with points, which may be harder to elicit from viewers with predefined expectations.
01/13/2004 01:34:04 PM
01/13/2004 11:24:01 AM
This is a really powerful photograph and resolution! I think you did a fantastic job framing the angle here to portray the emotion behind the photo. 10 from me and best wishes this upcoming year.
01/13/2004 08:08:09 AM
Takes a very brave woman to pose for this...
01/13/2004 06:35:04 AM
like the photo, nice choice of using b&w, very artistic and reads volumes.
01/12/2004 10:29:59 PM
totally awesome.. direct and to the point... very nice pic!
01/12/2004 10:08:11 PM
Very nice. Original and I like the angle.
01/12/2004 08:53:58 AM
The subject of this photo (to love myself) is unique amongst the other entries. I like it! It does well in B&W- it describes the reality without too much detail. The angle shows an unflattering view, but really makes the viewer understand the meaning of the photo. Nice balance of shadows and highlights. Excellent!
01/11/2004 08:31:12 AM
I gave you 10. Technically the picture is good, but overall, I like pictures that bring emotions. Your is the strongest that I ever saw on this site. Congratulation, it's the best resolution that can be.
01/10/2004 06:32:52 PM
Very dramatic photo.
01/08/2004 06:24:35 PM
Your photo is bold and vulnerable - Well done.
01/08/2004 05:06:54 PM
wow... I know what you mean.
01/08/2004 11:56:42 AM
I think one of the most important things about photography is being able to capture something to which others can relate. Whether you are one battling weight (as this person is) or you have some other reason not to "love yourself", this photograph truly symbollizes your theme. The photograph itself is technically sound, with the lighthing and black and white tones adding to the emotional response. Very brave photograph.
01/08/2004 11:39:38 AM
Very well suited for this challenge. Well done!
01/08/2004 11:24:56 AM
this is very bold and daring. great resolution, and one that i should undertake as well.
01/08/2004 11:23:34 AM
Wow. Striking, provocative, haunting image. Excellent tones. Great composition and choice of DoF. Were it not for the unfortunate horizontal line across the top, it would be a 10 instead of a 9 from me. This image may stike different chords in others, but good art will always make an impact. Bravo.
01/08/2004 01:28:14 AM
I don't know who the picture is of, but it took guts. We are all beautiful and to show only the outside is what makes this a good picture, to me, because clearly, we all have a very different inside.
01/07/2004 10:48:33 PM
I like the black and white. You might try to adjust the angle so that the top of the ceiling isn't at the top of the photo. A clean line there would have been nice.
01/07/2004 10:33:00 PM
Holy cow! This is an interesting shot that I never want to see again. Ribbon worthy!
01/07/2004 09:54:55 PM
hear, hear! 10
01/07/2004 09:30:58 PM
Very profound and touching picture.
01/07/2004 07:13:36 PM
Brave, I hope you don't get any comments from morons. Never stop loving yourself!
01/07/2004 01:32:23 PM
The most powerful shot I've seen on this website yet. Astounding. 10.
01/07/2004 01:05:04 PM
I give you a lot of props for doing this!
01/07/2004 12:48:08 PM
Daring. Maybe a little less reflection below the hand. Good luck with this shot.
01/07/2004 10:47:24 AM
Shadows and the B&W are nice choices for this photograph. Just taking this photo I think you are on your way to achieving your resolution. Good job.
01/07/2004 03:26:30 AM
Very different- inspiring and brave- great!
01/07/2004 01:19:36 AM
The perfect resolution!
01/07/2004 12:55:12 AM
the top right sort of ruins the flow of the pic
01/07/2004 12:16:38 AM
wow. A very brave photo here. This takes an incredible amount of self-confidence to do. If you ask me if you can do something like this then you might be happier with who you are then you might think! Bravo to you, for doing this! Very good composition, a clear message, some slight blur though, and the lighting seems a touch harsh!

Message edited by author 2004-01-14 00:14:35.

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