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Action On Ice
Action On Ice

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Action Shot (Advanced Editing I*)
Collection: Action & Sports
Camera: Olympus C-750UZ
Location: Lerdala Sweden
Date: Jan 4, 2004
Aperture: 3,2
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Family, Nature
Date Uploaded: Jan 4, 2004


Place: 61 out of 97
Avg (all users): 5.1437
Avg (commenters): 6.6250
Avg (participants): 5.0938
Avg (non-participants): 5.1771
Views since voting: 1102
Votes: 160
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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01/14/2004 10:53:56 AM
Critique Club:

This is a really nice shot. The composition is very good, using the rule of thirds well. I really like the almost black and white feel, with the burst of orange flames in the corner. The fire definatly adds a little something. I don't know if it would look better without the elements in the bottom, as justine suggested in her comment. I think it would be worth trying tho, as it would make the person seem more isolated and give more effect to the negative space. I think the main reason that you didn't get a higher score is that the action isn't as blatently obvious as some of the other entries. If you use a higher f-number you could have left the shutter open for longer and perhaps got some motion blur on the axe which might have helped.

In post processing I feel that you did a very good job, but a little USM wouldn't have gone a-miss.

Overall, a very nice photo, but not quite right for this particular challenge I feel.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/11/2004 10:49:19 PM
this is nice shot. Kinda wired axing the ice, can only guess that some ice fishing will follow. I like the fire in the FG but can't figure out which should be the focal point. 8
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01/11/2004 02:31:17 PM
this would be a great shot for a halloween challenge as well :)
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01/11/2004 01:08:56 AM
Looks like a horror movie a little... Really cool having the nice orange flame in the foreground against the B&W. A little weak on "action", but oh well. :)
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01/10/2004 09:19:52 AM
I don't why I like this so much. I guess I just like the absurdity of it all. "Don't doooo it maaaannnn!" NIce touch with a splash of clolor in the bottom right. NOt sure if it was planned, but the dock acts as an excellent leading line to the axman. Very very effective composition. Jacko. Well dserved 10.
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01/08/2004 10:57:41 PM
Maybe you should have taken a photo after he hacked the ice!!!! Then there could have been some action
01/07/2004 02:20:58 PM
Fire and ice, a nice contrast. An interesting composition that directs the eye around the photo.
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01/07/2004 07:25:23 AM
Nice, very nice. The crop is good, and I like the colors, neutral colors. The flame sticks out quite nicely in the corner. I could not have done this better, I hope other people like it too.
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01/05/2004 03:36:32 PM
At first glance this could be a shot for a horror movie...Jason! lol
I'm sure he is going to do some ice fishing. I think being a little closer to him and not trying to include so much would of improved the over all shot. The fire/walk are a little distracting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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