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Mr. Lebowski's Swim Lesson
Mr. Lebowski's Swim Lesson

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Action Shot (Advanced Editing I*)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: The Lebowski Studio
Date: Jan 4, 2004
Date Uploaded: Jan 4, 2004


Place: 86 out of 97
Avg (all users): 4.3608
Avg (commenters): 5.0000
Avg (participants): 4.0952
Avg (non-participants): 4.5368
Views since voting: 811
Votes: 158
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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01/18/2004 05:32:44 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club

Initial thoughts/My opinion
Great idea: very different to other water images, has some technical and compositional shortcomings, leading to a lag of WOOW-factor.

The content is just great: The water surface you show us is full of vibration, texture and live: very dynamic, full of action and life.
In Germany there is a saying "Storm in the water glass" and in means "making a big fuzz about something very unimportant". Your image shows this very well.

The composition comes somehow short at several points. The water glass you choose isn't very attractive: a simpler one with thinner glass and without any structure (by that I do mean the shape at the bottom) would be better. The angle of view and the cropping might be improvable too, however, I can't tell in which direction to go, one simply has to try it. The droplets flying around are also a problem: in the image they are not strong enough to make an important compositional element, so it would be better to either not showing them or increase them much more to give them an importance equivalent to the water surface.
One main point is the colour and light: there is some colour shown and that is important. Without it, i.e. B&W, the image would be very flat. I would have strengthened colour by using light reflected from coloured paper or so and also by a coloured background (the later might not work though). That would have increased the dynamic of the image considerably. Of course the glass rim would show this colouration too, but with a better glass this would have made up just a probably nicely coloured line. Right now the red at the left rim just does not look nice, looks more like dirt.

Camera work -technically
Exposure seems fine, but it's hard to tell here, because the exposure is the main control to get the texture on the busy water right. Focus seems fine too, although not of great importance here.

Digital Processing - Technical
The image looks a little over-sharpened to me, otherwise fine. As mentioned: I would have used a different cropping. Negative space is not of importance here IMO.

Fits the challenge
Yes, for sure.

Good luck for your further submissions

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2004 11:47:37 PM
I totally don't get the title... Where exactly is the action here? Maybe it's an inside joke (if ya get the title ya get the shot?)
01/08/2004 06:34:50 PM
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01/08/2004 05:34:09 AM
I love it. It´s just a brilliant shot, with a great composition. 8
01/07/2004 08:44:30 PM
nice try on the water shot black background is nice
01/06/2004 02:18:12 PM
Who is Mr.Lebowski ? A goldfish ? I see some orange color and lots of movement in the water, but don't know what the message of the image is.
01/05/2004 09:50:47 PM
The great Lebowski? Not a bad shot, but it's a bit busy. The reflection on the glass is a distraction. I don't dislike this shot and find it unique.

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