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Just the sound of your footsteps.
Just the sound of your footsteps.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: After Dark (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F828
Location: Geneva Switzerland
Date: Jan 11, 2004
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2004

4 A.M. Sunday morning in Old Geneva, wet pavement, not a sound.

PS: there is no special effect filter involved here. Just another undocumented feature of the F828...

Place: 10 out of 96
Avg (all users): 6.9558
Avg (commenters): 8.5294
Avg (participants): 6.7286
Avg (non-participants): 7.0991
Views since voting: 2939
Votes: 181
Comments: 39
Favorites: 6 (view)

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01/19/2004 12:12:15 PM
This is an amazing shot! I'm surprised it didn't place higher.. but with all the top scores.... great job JJ!
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01/19/2004 08:35:24 AM
This was my top ranked image and I still find it to contain enough that I would want it on my wall so as to go there at will.
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01/19/2004 05:30:19 AM
Great shot JJ! What were you doing up so early in the morning? Or was it coming home from a late party?
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01/19/2004 12:45:02 AM
Very nice I liked this shot.
Maybe a little more detail out of the shadows.
Someday maybe I can do as good as you have :)

Message edited by author 2004-01-19 00:45:38.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2004 11:52:34 PM
Great photo! Amazing clarity, depth and simplicity
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01/18/2004 01:38:53 PM
great shot...like a movie set.
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01/18/2004 11:38:56 AM
Stunning image. Exceptionally well done. I find absolutely nothing to correct. 10
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01/18/2004 10:35:48 AM
Not keen on the strong starlight efect you have here but a part from that it is a beautiful image.
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01/17/2004 10:08:52 PM
the high contrast B&W works very good here
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01/17/2004 07:35:20 PM
I looked at this again and again, bumping up the score each time. Can't go any higher. 10. Beautiful.
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01/17/2004 06:21:26 PM
My first thought was that this is too dark, but there is such an air of mystery about it that I'd have to say you got it just right.
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01/17/2004 04:22:03 PM
very nice mood, but i'm not sure with the star effect on the lamp.
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01/17/2004 12:23:02 PM
This has mystery, welcome, heightened awareness, and wonderful texture. The use of light also works well. A very dense and intriguing image.
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01/17/2004 02:09:05 AM
This is the essence of a dark street and a light ahead... I love the textures.
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01/16/2004 10:41:12 PM
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01/16/2004 02:48:06 PM
Glorious! So much darkness, but so much detail too. The composition leads the eye so nicely up to that light, that is so bright and distinct. 10
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01/15/2004 09:29:45 PM
i like this its a bit creepy and yet still inviting
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01/15/2004 07:40:23 PM
I like this one a lot, very nice in black and white. The title suggests the presence of someone in the photo, maybe a silhouette or shadow but there's none. Beautiful nonetheless. 8
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01/15/2004 05:04:46 PM
Jack the Ripper springs to mind. If I may offer a suggestion, maybe lighten the shadow to a bit more on the gray scale, not enough to take away the mystery but enough to make the audience wonder if a shape is human or not. Just a bit more spookiness. I like this as it is though.
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01/15/2004 04:58:53 PM
This is one of my favorite shots. It so simple. I love the effect of the lone light and the way it brings out the texture in the road. I think this is a great "After Dark" shot.
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01/15/2004 06:18:14 AM
Nice black & white photo.
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01/14/2004 04:46:11 PM
love it,9
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01/14/2004 12:17:49 PM
Very nice mood photo. I can imagine Jack the Ripper lurking around the next bend. Did you use a star burst filter to get the flare effect on the street light?
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01/14/2004 10:37:03 AM
Very nice low key shot. I love the reflection of the cobblestone street leading to the door and then your eye moves up to the starred light. High contrast is excellent effect and overall leads to a moody feel. The star effect I think is overdone and maybe one with fewer points would have been more effective for me. I guess this is jj
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01/14/2004 01:30:41 AM
I like the composition, exposure, and the cool effect on the light. Composition is well done, especially with the low light, you did a good job using the street to draw the eye into the light. Exposure is just right.
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01/13/2004 05:51:22 PM
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01/13/2004 10:51:42 AM
Dark and mysterious. VERY dark and mysterious. NIce use of that curve there, leading to the white light. I also like the texture on the ground.
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01/13/2004 10:46:52 AM
Lovely night shot, with the path forming a leading line towards the main subject. The starry effect of the lamp works for me.
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01/13/2004 09:06:15 AM
I think this is my favorite shot in this challenge. Excellent job with the exposure :)
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01/12/2004 10:09:58 PM
This is very well composed. The path leads you into the light. Beautifull b&w photography. The star effect is nice touch to otherwise simple image. Very beautiful. It makes you guess what is in the darkness. Is this in Prague by any chance?
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01/12/2004 09:03:01 PM
Great mood in this shot. I like how little light there is and that you used it very well. One of my favs for this competition 8
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01/12/2004 08:12:02 PM
Technical: fits the challenge. Exposure lighting composition focus all very good.

Personal: This might take a beating by some voters, but I really like it- just enough information to compel the viewer, not enough to know quite what we're looking at. Feels mysterious and moody to me.

My vote: 9
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01/12/2004 02:03:23 PM
Creepy film noir style - nice job!
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01/12/2004 01:05:48 PM
Very nice quiet street shot. Good use of B&W and a star filter.
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01/12/2004 12:45:17 PM
Like this very much ... with a couple of reservations: the sheer quantity of black to camera right - I appreciate the element of mystery, even of fear that it adds, but I wonder if some gentle illumination of that area might have added depth, especially given the edge lighting to whatever object that is that lead the eye into that area somewhat: I see the faintest impression of a wheel there, but it seems raised above the street. Not sure that information is what you were after conveying. Heaos more intersting tthan most images here though.
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01/12/2004 11:35:19 AM
Well the highest compliment I can give you is that this looks like a beguin shot, fabulous light, texture, mood, composition. Very well done, I expect a high finish for you. (If this is a benguin is this taken on the new 828?)
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01/12/2004 10:05:27 AM
I like but wished there was just a little more details in shadows.
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01/12/2004 08:23:31 AM
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01/12/2004 06:15:04 AM
Good composition,great use of light and shadow
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