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Day 2 - raspberry.jpg
Day 2 - raspberry.jpg

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: Beagles and Friends
Camera: Olympus E-500 EVOLT
Date: Jul 2, 2007
Date Uploaded: Jul 2, 2007

Viewed: 391
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

Well here is Day 2.

I used flash and I can get away with it because HAHA - this is not up for challenge voting.

Ok so this is Barney and he is giving me the raspberry. I chose to tell his story this morning because of all the weird looks I have been getting from people in the last couple of days.

Barney has lymphoma and went on chemo from Feb. thru April. I thought he was gonna die before we started and when we finished, he was back to his perky self again.

Two fridays ago, I found a lump on his throat - which rapidly grew in size in a few days time. We went to the vet and had to restart chemo this past Friday. So I don't really know what this means but I DO know, he is not ready to leave us yet.

So many people, even those close to me, do not understand why I am so adamant about spending $$$ on a "dog". Chemo is expensive! So I have been getting laughed at, people have questioned me and my choice here, even those close to me kind of cluck cluck at me. And some out there reading this will no doubt be wondering the same thing.

I think it takes owning a pet to first begin to understand where I am coming from. Then it takes forming a bond with the pet - to truly see where I am coming from.

We have had this guy for 11.5 years. We have had him since he was a baby. He is not an outdoor thing that just sits in the yard waiting to be fed. He actually is a furry little person, I think. lol. I guess something like this is hard to explain.

I guess it just makes me mad that someone wants to judge me for making a decision like this. I am not depriving my children of anything and we don't have to get a second mortgage because of this. It's just that he's been there for us for so long, I think he deserves this extra time to run around and play.

Ok so I am being long winded and I think I wanted to just vent. But I chose this pic this morning to say "pbbbbtttttt" to anyone who does not understand hehe.

Thank you for reading.

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07/16/2007 02:13:21 PM
How is Barney feeling?

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07/04/2007 10:04:10 PM
I understand. As long as he is not suffering too much, it is money well spent. Pets really do become part of the family and losing them is really traumatic. I hope things go well with Barney's treatment.
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07/03/2007 07:53:12 PM
What a cutie. Great eyes. Love the story, which is what blogging is all about. Thanks for sharing.
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07/03/2007 05:21:37 PM
very nice beagle. i have a beagle at home.
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07/03/2007 04:42:12 PM
Is this the same dog that was in the black and white challenge? I have to say I am not a big dog fan (though I am not anti dog) but I do ove the expression

As for the treatment. Hey its your money you have the absolute right to spend it any way you want. I hope the treatment goes well and that you both enjoy the extra time you have together

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07/03/2007 01:53:17 PM
Barney looks like a sweet boy. So sorry to hear about the cancer. Thanks for venting, and God bless our pets.

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07/03/2007 12:11:18 AM
Great shot. You explained it well. When we love someone the money becomes immaterial to the bond. Get well Barney.
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07/02/2007 08:09:49 PM
barney is a doll-baby! the bond between human and canine (or feline) is a joy. only you can make this decision and the opinions of others are best left in the trash heap. listen to your heart... you will know the best thing for your sweet pup. rock on barney!
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07/02/2007 08:07:24 PM
cute dog
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07/02/2007 05:37:28 PM
Hey Michelle, Barney is looking good! I know you know this but just as a reminder, the only person you have to answer to is you. Great candid here, lots of emotion, very nice!! Give Barney my best wishes!!
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07/02/2007 03:21:05 PM
You know, even though we are not the kind of family who would spend that kind of money on treatments for pets (I don't think -- never been faced with that decision, as we only have three cats and the most they have required is the occasional vet visit for infections, etc), I don't understand people who would be hard on you for it. It's your money, not theirs, and you are the one to decide your financial priorities, not they. Dorks. Raspberry indeed, and best wishes for you and Barney.
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07/02/2007 01:22:42 PM
I'm sure Barney is grateful for what you're doing for him. I could never imagine just letting go of my dog, Sophie. We've only had her for 1 year (since she was about 7 weeks old). I've never bonded this closely with another pet as she is my first pet as an actual adult. IMO animals are so much more sentient than we give them credit for. I definately think they experience some emotions. But I'm sure you know that every time you look at your little Barney.
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07/02/2007 11:04:11 AM
Aww! He is an adorable dog! Isn't it crazy how attached we get to our pets, they do become one of the family. But it's a bond you can only have with an animal too, they love you whether your miserable or smiling. Glad he's still hangin' in there & enjoying himself! Best wishes Barney!!
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07/02/2007 11:01:37 AM
Many years ago my dog died unexpectedly. We had found him in his dog house that evening, unable to lift his head enough to take a drink. I carried him inside and tried to make him comfortable while we tried to find out where we could take him (it was late at night).
Before we could do anything, he cried out and gave up. It was quite surprising and not a pretty death. I was stunned and was completely unprepared for the depth of emotion that washed through me.
The kids were already in bed, and I couldn't bear to let them see him in this state, so I buried him that night under a giant oak tree in our back yard. It must have been an eerie site for anyone still awake past midnight - me in the yard, crying and digging. I cried the next morning too, waiting to tell my children that Spenser was gone.

Sure they're only dogs.

You go ahead and do whatever you need to do. And when that time finally comes to cry, you cry without shame.
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07/02/2007 09:44:25 AM
Girl I have a cat that follows me around & loves on me just like a child. I am soooo attached to him. I have had many animals & sometimes things happen & you do everything you can to save them. I understand that completely. I think Barney is adorable & his tongue sticking out is cute - adds to the pic. The flash is great to me..highlights his face. Great job.
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07/02/2007 08:41:35 AM
hey michelle ...
i totally understand the love you have for your dog .. we have two dogs .. one who is 14 years old who has begun to smell really really really bad out'v both ends ... she also has lumps on her body that the vet thought would be too invasive to do biopsies on .. he thought she'd only be around for another year at the time .. that was two years ago .. she still enjoys a walk and is totally obsessed with her food ... she has been the best dog you can ever imagine .. she used to come everywhere with me .. she is a cross bull terrior/rhodesian ridgeback/cattle dog ... her name is sasha ..
then we have another dog .. my daughter wanted a lap dog, coz sasha is too big to sit on your lap!! .. we ended up getting a miniature fox terrier .. they are bred from a fox terrier and a chihuahua .. her name is katee and we got her when she was 6 weeks old .. she's now 4 years old .. both our dogs get huge amounts of love and just recently katee got sick ... i would've paid anything to make her better ... i was up all night giving her reiki and i wanted to take her to the emergency vet in the middle of the night .. i didnt care wot it was going to cost ..
most people who have a dog, a cat, a horse, a bird, an ANIMAL become very emotionally attached and would do anything in their power to keep the animal healthy .. as long as the animal isnt suffering and has a good quality of life i think that is definitely the way to go ...
dont give ppl who reckon you are spending money unwisely a passing thought .. i personally reckon they are the one's with the problem .. not you .. !!! ... :):)

Message edited by author 2007-07-02 08:42:39.
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