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natural and artificial
natural and artificial

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Point of View (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus D-510 Zoom
Location: zoo
Date: Jan 11, 2004
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Jan 13, 2004

a zoo visit, a pair of guacamayos....a shot and that s it

Place: 253 out of 286
Avg (all users): 4.4435
Avg (commenters): 5.3333
Avg (participants): 4.4513
Avg (non-participants): 4.4359
Views since voting: 858
Votes: 230
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/20/2004 06:25:11 PM
I'm not sure what I'm looking at but need to understand that to get your title and pov. Sorry
01/19/2004 08:11:16 PM
hard to tell what that white piece is and if part of the bird's body is missing. nice colors
01/18/2004 11:17:51 AM
Great bird. Not sure I like how the shot is cropped, but like the image of the bird as art appreciator.
01/16/2004 11:31:05 PM
i think you succeeded in getting an interesting POV since i had star at this for a minute to figure it out.
01/15/2004 10:11:44 PM
This is very good abstract composition; you managed to capture the blues, reds, whites, and blacks in a very attractive way. It seems to suggest that you also paint or draw... I must admit, though, that it seems to look better from afar.
01/14/2004 07:42:19 PM
I wish he would of turned around for your shot. Lovely colors.
01/14/2004 06:12:19 PM
Nice colors, but the point of view seems to take away from what could be a good shot.
01/14/2004 12:05:30 PM
I really like this almost abstract-looking shot. A black keyline to separate the photo from the border would look good i think. 9
01/14/2004 10:45:53 AM
Soory but I can´t undestand your point of view. It seems to be a second bird but that portion of photo is very dark to me.
01/14/2004 09:32:29 AM
strong colors (maby to strong)

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