Greetings from the critique club :)
First of all, I didn´t vote in the challenge but if I did, I probably would have give a 5 and moved on to the next image without commenting.
Well I don´t really know what to say about this image, I am not, have never and will never be an war enthusiast and since the total time I have spent in the US has been under a week I simply don´t understand what you guys find so romantic about the civil war. Please don´t take offense at me using the words "War Enthusiast", what I mean is I am not really against it, just I don´t understand it, just like I don´t understand women :) Having gotten that off my chest I will say no more about the content of the image.
First of all, I don´t understand the settings on the camera. Why iso 1600, f16 and 1/500 for this scene? To me iso 200, f8 and 1/250 would make much more sense and lead to much better image quality. I don´t know how familiar you are with these settings but using a lower ISO will lead do less noisy images. Sure that doesn´t matter in web resolution but if you want to use it for anything else, like print, lower iso is optimal. Secondly, regarding the aperture, this seems to me to have been shot at a wide focal length so if you wanted everything to be in focus, f16 is overkill since there is nothing that is close to you that really needs to be in focus, everything is far away. Thirdly using a 1/500 is not a bad idea but since nothing is moving very fast in this photo, 1/250 would have been more than enough to freeze the frame, unless you were aiming to freeze bullets in the frame and then 1/500 would have been way too slow.
Not everything is negative about it, I think it´s decently composed and the exposure is dead on, even if I don´t agree with how you set your camera to expose this photo. Colors and contrast are not bad but pesonally I would want to see more vivid colors, mostly i the cyan colored sky.
Hope this helped and hope I didn´t offend in any way.
Kind regards from Iceland, Lárus. |