Greetings from the critique club :)
I didn´t vote in this challenge but to be honest I wouldn´t have voted it very high, since I think it meets the challenge ok though I most likely would have been one of your 4 votes.
Most of that is the poor image quality, most noticeably the lighting. The lighting for the keyboard is not bad though but for the hands, it´s too strong, blowing out some of the fingers and DPC voters hate blown highlights. I don´t think the white backround helped in this instance, I personally would have liked this image better if you had a desk as the backround or something usually seen underneath a keyboard. Actually, the blown highlights might be a result of the tweaking of contrast/brightness. Trust me, stay away from those tools in photoshop, concentrate more on using levels and curves cause if you set strong settings on contrast/brightness you stand a good chance of blowing out highlights and shadows. I think there is a tutorial on DPC on how levels or curves work, if not just google it, there are hundreds of tutorials on how those tools work, I found several when I started out post processing and someone pointed them out to me.
Besides image quality, this idea is not bad but it´s kindof been done before here at DPC and that also hurt the score I am sure, there is nothing wrong with doing stuff people have done before you (I do it all the time) but try to put your own twist on the shot then or make it more visually interesting if you want to score really well here.
I think if I had taken this shot, I would have used a natural backround, like a desk and probably just used light from a window to light the shot, using tungsten lights often is too harsh and if you use window facing north, you get much smoother and more natural looking lighting.
Well can´t really think of anything else to say except welcome to DPC, I see this is your first entry and your second entry scored much better so way to go, keep at it :)
Kind regards from Iceland, Lárus. |