***From the Critique Club***
First Impression - the most important one:
WOW! Very cool lightening! but how does it apply to this challenge?
I like the wood in the corner; it balances the picture, and gives your eye a choice, the lightening or the wood. I do find however that the image is a bit grainy (probably a result of High ISO as it’s a night shot hard to avoid, especially with all that haze and/or fog!) I think I would have liked to see a much longer shutter to try and lighten up the background a bit, to try and bring some colour into it.
Fascinating on sooo many levels. There is just something about lightening that makes us as people want to stare... Thus making it a great subject for pictures. this one seems to do a cool dance about the sky also! lol
Technical (Colour, focus, and light):
I guess this is where the grainy thoughts and the trying to lighten the background should have been written. However all that aside the lightening showed up great!
I think the redeeming factor artistically, is the wood in the corner, otherwise it falls a little short in the artistic side. (Personally speaking of course) but All the same its a picture I would have liked to have taken!
To grow its vote?:
I think the thing that hurt your votes the most is people struggling to see how this fits into the challenge. I like the picture but in good conscious I couldn't vote it very high in this challenge, as I don't feel it really applies!
Great picture, very cool, you must have been very excited after taking it. However I think your title is a bit of a mad grab to get this picture to fit inside the competition. There are also some lighting adjustments to try and keep in mind next big storm. As hard as it can be try not to max out the ISO, and use a very long shutter, then post process the sky a bit darker. Anyways Glad I got to see this one!
Hey this image is above your average good, job! I also really like “world of purity and Black cats”
Happy shooting, CBoydrun.