Greetings from the critique club :)
I didn´t vote in this challenge but if I had I probably would have given it a 5 and moved on to the next challenge. I do like the moment you captured, the lighting and composition is pretty good. However, the dark areas are kind of too dark for my taste in regards to the tonal range of the rest of the photo, they are just dragging too much attention to them, the first thing I looked at when seeing this picture were the upper and lower left corners of the photo and not their faces. I also find the sharpness and contrast in this image lacking for my taste, I would want to see a stronger contrast (I usually do in b/w photos) and definately a sharper photo.
What I would suggest in post processing would to use something like shadow highlights to seriously brighten up the darker areas, then use something like curves or whatever you personally like to increase contrast and then after resizing, sharpen it with whatever tool you prefer. This would have improved your score significantly, I am sure.
Again, the rest is pretty good and the moment is gold.
Kind regards from Iceland, Lárus. |