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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Road Signs Re-revisited (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A70
Location: Reykjavik/Iceland
Date: Jan 16, 2004
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/40
Galleries: Black and White, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Jan 19, 2004

Shot in poor lightning conditions and heavy overcast (living in Iceland this is what you have to learn to live with this time of year). Since the colors where poor I converted it to grayscale and I just gives it a better expression of what I was seeing this morning.

Place: 112 out of 202
Avg (all users): 5.1270
Avg (commenters): 7.3750
Avg (participants): 4.9245
Avg (non-participants): 5.2826
Views since voting: 1108
Votes: 244
Comments: 9
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/27/2004 10:46:36 PM
I take it the road floods... fine shot. I love the use of black and white and your focus is perfect. Right where it needs to be to tell the story. 10
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01/27/2004 05:03:56 PM
Very nice photo here, actually quite like the border. Think it's good because of the subject. Haven't a clue what the sign is though!

Good choice using B&W, the grainy effect is good to. 10
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01/26/2004 03:49:15 AM
Very nice shot. I wish I could read the sign more clearly though.
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01/25/2004 08:47:45 PM
Flott mynd, vestan?
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01/22/2004 12:06:04 PM
I like how the sign leans right in and announces itself. The truck seems to rumble on obliviously - the grittiness and bit of blur add to this feeling. I like the snowy mountain in the distance. Nice frame too.
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01/22/2004 10:02:33 AM
I cant make up my mind if I like this or not. The sign is well placed in the shot, I have no idea what it says, but it looks interesting. The background of the mountain range is great, and I like the bend of the road. I actually even like the border! The truck gives the scene some movement, but it looks kinda blurry... that said I think that's partly where the mood comes from. I dont want to say it's gritty, and I'm not sure exactly what it is, but... I like it!
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01/21/2004 12:40:48 PM
Ég held að þú fáir lítið skor frá útlendingum því þeir skilja þetta ekki. En hvar er þessi mynd tekin?
Mjög góð mynd en verst að vörubíllinn er úr fókus
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01/21/2004 12:13:53 PM
A little bit too soft on the focus for me.
01/21/2004 11:49:03 AM
the boarder is the best thing in this picture, although the shot is definately good in its own right
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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