Greetings from the critique club :)
I don´t really have too much to say about this image but I´ll do my best. First of all, I would have voted this shot a 5, means to me personally it´s not a bad photo but not good either. It definately meets the challenge, no question.
It´s just very hard to light glass, I have tried it and usually I think it works best if you try to put your lighting somewhere to the sides or way up or way down, as far away from the camera as you can get while still lighting the front side of the subject. You also have to be real careful about what is in the vicinity, cause when you shoot stuff like a wine bottle, or stuff that is curved i´ll pretty much show everything that is around it, like it does with those flower shaped lights (wich I actually like though). You essentially have to "package" the subject in, using white and black cards and just leave holes for the lighting and camera. That or get a lightbox :)
Having a candle in there makes it even trickier to light, you have to find out what setting works for the candle, so it doesn´t blow out as it did in this photo and then set the rest of the lighting to work around that, that´s pretty much the only way to do it if you want the candlelight to show well.
As for the rest, it´s all pretty well done, image seems clear and in focus, I don´t mind that the rose in the lower left corner is out of focus. You still should USM after resizing, not before, it´s generally the last thing you should do in the post processing phase. The white balance is a bit too warm for my taste but I am also glad it´s not neutral as it would lose that warm lighting from the candle so somewhere in between would have appealed more to me.
Kind regards from Iceland, Lárus. |