Author | Thread |
08/14/2007 10:22:23 AM |
A beautiful image and tribute to adversity, turning him towards the sun might have helped but either way a great image, I've worked with kids with multiple-handicaps and syndromes for years and this touches my heart deeply. Regardless of what life offers they are children first, well done. |
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08/13/2007 01:30:39 AM |
Thanks for sharing this bit of your family's life. All of the shots are wonderful tributes to your son. |
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08/11/2007 07:55:08 PM |
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08/10/2007 07:13:47 PM |
this really deserved the blue...congrats on the red... |
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08/10/2007 06:43:52 PM |
Grats on the red and on a wonderful image. Really felt this showed 'triumph' more than any other image in the challenge, and well shot too. |
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08/10/2007 06:35:14 PM |
I appreciate the sintement jonnienye, but I must say that I think Jeff's shot was well deserving and still number 1 in my mind. The date stamp on his shot was a technicality and I realize that rule has to be hard and fast but that shouldn't take away from his accomplishment.
Blue:  |
08/10/2007 01:18:02 PM |
im glad this image was bumped up to second,should be first,i mean a hummingbird shot?! come on....the name of the challenge was "triumph"...this image is way more deserving,it totally conveys a triumph in my book (no offense to the bird guy,that was a great image,it just didnt meet the challenge imho) the way i see it a photo should tell the story,yours does. he(the bird guy) had to convince the voters that his photo was some sort of personal triumph (wasnt everyones? i mean we all thought our photos good enuff to enter in a challenge didnt we)sorry for the rant,thanx for the wonderful image of triumph.jmn
Message edited by author 2007-08-10 13:19:02. |
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08/09/2007 07:43:06 PM |
Just took a look at your other images too and I have to say there are a lot of parents in your situation that would tell the child that they can't do things. I can tell you aren't one of those parents and you should be highly commended for it. Sure the child has some limitations but too quickly people will become over protective and not allow the child to even think for himself let alone go in a tree house (I know you will have your limits, such as on top of the car, but everyone has limits).
Our church once had a women vist that suffered from this same condition (brittle bone?). She and her husband have been doing missionary work in different countries despite the fact that she was in a wheelchair and had had almost every bone in her body broken several times over. She was amazing and it's because she was given the chance to do it, instead of being told she couldn't.
Kudos to you and your family and God bless. |
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08/09/2007 02:01:31 PM |
very nice shot! colors are so vivid! |
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08/09/2007 01:38:34 PM |
Jason what an AMAZING photo! Thank you for sharing your story with us. My prayers go out to Andrew that someday this wheelchair will sit unused as a tribute to his triumph!
And congratulations on YOUR triump with this beautiful photo and ribbon!
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08/09/2007 11:21:39 AM |
the power is in the heart. your photo means this for me.
08/09/2007 09:44:07 AM |
great photo, story is sad but i hope it gets better.
congrats on your ribbon |
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08/09/2007 03:34:26 AM |
A really sad story and a great picture! Congrats. |
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08/08/2007 08:11:43 PM |
Heart warming! Congratulations! |
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08/08/2007 05:08:43 PM |
Gorgeous image! Congrat on your yellow ribbon! |
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08/08/2007 01:56:58 PM |
Thanks everyone for the great comments, they are greatly appreciated! |
08/08/2007 01:10:07 PM |
Beautiful image. congrats! |
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08/08/2007 12:19:32 PM |
Congrats on the win for an outstanding shot & inspiring story; good to see the 'real' Andrew in the other shots being so active! Love the fishing one. |
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08/08/2007 10:33:02 AM |
Jason, congrats on your ribbon and an amazing, moving capture! |
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08/08/2007 09:38:00 AM |
nice shot and congrats!!!! |
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08/08/2007 09:31:27 AM |
And it IS V for Victory, congrats on your ribbon!! |
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08/08/2007 09:15:24 AM |
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08/08/2007 09:07:34 AM |
Gripping and well done...congratulations on winning the yellow ribbon! |
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08/08/2007 05:38:30 AM |
An image that tells a story always adds that bit more impact.
Very well done&congratulations. |
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08/08/2007 04:56:32 AM |
Jason, I'm delighted that this shot finished in the ribbons. It's a tribute to both Andrew and the rest of your family that he comes across so positively in these shots and looks so full of life.
p.s. I've just read the right up and see that in this case it was actually his brother that posed - but that changes nothing. It's a great shot, and your other shot's of Andrew show a happy boy.
Well done to all of you and I hope his tests in December go well. |
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08/08/2007 03:08:53 AM |
Big congrats on the ribbon and your PB! |
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08/08/2007 02:39:54 AM |
sooo cool! congrats Jason! |
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08/08/2007 12:56:48 AM |
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon. Praying that your precious son, Andrew experiences many triumphs in his life. |
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08/08/2007 12:18:38 AM |
I have three boys and my youngest broke his leg earlier this year. I hated seeing him in pain, and I can't imagine having a child going through it multiple times. I will add Andrew to our prayer list and I wish him and your family well...
God Bless!
JD |
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08/08/2007 12:12:49 AM |
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08/08/2007 12:10:55 AM |
Jason this one deserve the first ribbon.Congrats teamate |
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08/08/2007 12:10:16 AM |
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08/08/2007 12:08:41 AM |
Way to go Jason!
Triumphant score, placing and photo! |
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08/08/2007 12:07:02 AM |
(((hugs))) This is superb! |
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08/08/2007 12:06:10 AM |
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08/08/2007 12:05:18 AM |
congratulations on the RED ribbon!!
Message edited by author 2007-08-10 13:23:27. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/07/2007 05:59:56 PM |
good luck - this says triumph much, much more than all the rest for me. |
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08/07/2007 05:19:56 PM |
A nice photo, but really it looks too posed, I feel. |
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08/07/2007 02:35:03 AM |
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08/07/2007 12:39:37 AM |
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08/07/2007 12:01:53 AM |
What a beautiful silhouette. I love the clouds low in the background as they help add texture in dimension to your shot. The pose of your model is excellent - V for victory! Gorgeous colors. |
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08/06/2007 09:18:42 PM |
Great image, says alot, 8. |
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08/06/2007 11:40:48 AM |
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background very good,
Technical: Focus, Exposure: good
Appeal: expresses hope
Total Averaged Rating 8 |
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08/06/2007 02:54:52 AM |
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08/05/2007 08:13:40 PM |
Beautiful color, immediate emotional impact, draws me in and makes me want to hear the story that goes with it. |
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08/05/2007 08:27:05 AM |
I predict the Front page for a very powerful image! 10 |
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08/04/2007 05:05:16 AM |
Very nice - the background colors are great and the subject is very apt indeed 8 |
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08/03/2007 07:51:55 PM |
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08/03/2007 01:09:38 AM |
With no apparent display of triumph or success, this shot comes across as pure exploitation of a kid in a wheelchair. Will it do well? I imagine so. Even has a sunset for bonus points. But what's it have to do with anything? |
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08/02/2007 11:27:55 PM |
Excellent shot. I love the emotion that appears in this image. Great work, this one will do very well. |
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08/02/2007 08:57:42 PM |
Wonderful silhoette. Beautiful composition. Lovely colors and lighting. |
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08/02/2007 05:39:19 PM |
I wasn't going to vote in this challenge until I saw this photo and since I want my vote to count I am gonna have to vote on em all - a perfect 10 for me, I sure hope you make this print so people can use this in offices around the world as an image of success and "triumph" -- good luck |
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08/02/2007 11:02:38 AM |
Jason, it is yours?
very nice idea for this challenge! good luck! |
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08/01/2007 05:34:01 PM |
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08/01/2007 03:53:31 PM |
I would like to see the entire chair. It looks like the wheels and bottom have been cut off. Nice colors and exposure |
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08/01/2007 03:20:04 PM |
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08/01/2007 09:56:49 AM |
This is one of the most moving photographs I have seen on DPC. Absolutely moving. |
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08/01/2007 04:52:18 AM |
Nice capture - Like the pose and feel but can't help think this would have been a much stronger image if the boy was looking away from us as when he is looking at us I feel we need to see his face. |
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08/01/2007 01:58:42 AM |
nice colors. very meaningful and 9 for that |
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08/01/2007 01:28:10 AM |
awwwwwwww very nice...nice colours ...8 |
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08/01/2007 01:23:44 AM |
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08/01/2007 01:04:00 AM |
I'd love to see just a flick of light around the boys eyes. GREAT shot though. Nine |
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08/01/2007 12:53:28 AM |
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08/01/2007 12:31:09 AM |
First place, I bet. Great photo. |
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08/01/2007 12:24:36 AM |
this is know you couldve made this more dramatic if it looked like he was about to walk. Now that wouldve been a photo that spoke for itself. good luck anyway! |
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08/01/2007 12:19:09 AM |
Has to be a ribbon winner...9 |
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