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I am a Snake.
I am a Snake.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Chinese Zodiac (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: BedRoom
Date: Jan 24, 2004
Aperture: 4.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/149
Galleries: Humorous, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Jan 24, 2004

Well, I went all out for this one!
Started with a self portrait under a bright light for pretty defined shadows, which unfortunately caused much clipping on my eye, nose, teeth and mouth; all corrected using the wonderful cloning tool! Also, gave myself a bit of a shave in all sorts of places; left a bit on the left side of my face, hoping it'd add a bit of character. Made some alterations to my hoody sweater to remove the distracting metal ring with string coming out of it. This was all stuff to make me look prettier. Then the ugly part came along: enlarged my blue eyes and color balanced then to green, cloned the iris into my pupil to make it smaller for the slit snake pupil, also done with the clone tool. Then cloned the right eye onto the left side where the eye should have been. Also, removed the metal retainer bar behind my lower teeth (never bothered to get that removed). Finally I proceeded in quite a tooth whitening process (Who needs that bleach-packed toothpaste!?) and the the final twist for that subtle (or not so subtle) snake like feel...
Hope you like it!

Conclusion: Clone tool can solve all your life's problems!

Place: 43 out of 77
Avg (all users): 5.2222
Avg (commenters): 5.9167
Avg (participants): 4.7705
Avg (non-participants): 5.5217
Views since voting: 2257
Votes: 153
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/05/2004 02:57:37 PM
A Critique Club comment:

I already commented on this when I voted on it but I'll add some further details here. I think this is very effective and love what you did with the eyes... and perhaps the sharper-than-average eye teeth...? I think the changes you made work very well with one exception and that's the hair left on the chin on the left side of the image. Snakes don't have any hair (!) and it's a bit distracting from the overall very powerful impact of you transformed into a reptile.
01/30/2004 12:31:02 AM
Sorry about the Editing comment, I though Advanced ment No Mods at all! the Wording isn't real great. I now know "Basic" means appling to the whole picture and in "Advanced" tools can be used :) I did love the pic by the way.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/29/2004 10:37:08 PM
Yikes!!!! The man of my dreams!
very different to the other images and very clever
01/29/2004 12:14:08 AM
Well done. Looks real to me.
01/28/2004 07:11:08 PM
Good lighting and exposure, neat effects. - Where is the forked tongue?
01/28/2004 10:53:25 AM
Very cool idea. good shot!
01/27/2004 01:01:36 AM
love your pic, is it really you? i know someone that could help you
01/26/2004 10:53:41 PM
This one scores points for excellent creativity. Those eyes are fantastic AND the photo has been validated! How was that effect done? Stunning.
01/26/2004 05:59:14 PM
Great job doing the digital effects and staying within the rules (already see the photo has been validated) one of the more unique interpretations of the theme. I find it works very well for me.
01/26/2004 02:44:30 AM
I like the post production on the eyes. Good pose. The shirt or jacket is distracting from the whole. Are the teeth naturally that pointed!? Amazing!
01/25/2004 06:08:00 PM
Well done. The eyes really glow. Dramatic composition, boosts the illusion. The lighting is great - very transforming. It is just a bit bright -blownout between the corner of the mouth and the cheek. The color of the light is a bit yellow - how would it look if you desaturated the face a bit, might seem a bit more reptilian? Might darken up the material beneath the chin it ditracts the eye a bit.
01/25/2004 01:43:54 PM
Pretty good editing job, but I'm afraid it ruined this photo's integrity.
01/25/2004 10:39:26 AM
I'm not sure but I thought the rules for this comp stated no effects unless treated to the whole image? was this done with out print shop mods? if so its really well done!
01/25/2004 08:21:12 AM
good photoshop work, otherwise im kind of weirded out by this picture...
01/25/2004 03:35:29 AM
Very creative! I like this alot!
01/25/2004 12:10:18 AM
You should read the advanced editing rules. - 1

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