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The Place Where Romance Starts
1st PlaceThe Place Where Romance Starts

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Urban Landscapes II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Date: Aug 11, 2007
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 30
Galleries: Urban, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Aug 14, 2007

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, is often the place where romance starts. Especially when low clouds float around the red lights at the top of the bridge, the most beautiful and romantic scene could appear around dusk and bring inspiration to photographers. With the effects of long exposure, the clouds and ocean became soft and even. The grad ND made it possible to capture this night scene in one exposure.

Place: 1 out of 176
Avg (all users): 7.9450
Avg (commenters): 8.7222
Avg (participants): 7.8333
Avg (non-participants): 7.9873
Views since voting: 17004
Views during voting: 448
Votes: 218
Comments: 68
Favorites: 60 (view)

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10/29/2007 01:58:12 PM
Very cool, i am surprised by the 1 votes... someone was JEALOUS! :)

I really like the idea of having some content in the picture with the couple standing there (for 30 seconds). It adds to the picture!
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08/28/2007 03:21:06 PM
Congrats... stunning picture.
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08/25/2007 09:12:40 PM
Beautifully awesome~Congrats!
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08/25/2007 07:54:11 PM
oooooooooooooooooooo... love it!
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08/24/2007 09:30:52 PM
Way to go...i'm lucky enough to call this place home.
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08/24/2007 01:14:16 PM
Thank you very much for the messages and the warm encouragements.

Message edited by author 2007-08-24 13:18:33.
08/24/2007 09:27:09 AM
You certainly deserve both ribbons ! Both are stunning images and obviously different , tho of the same scene.
Congratulations !
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08/24/2007 08:32:45 AM
Probably one of the more exciting double fister's on this site.

Very glad to see how well each image did, even in spite of their similarities.

Sometimes I feel conflicted about images and their suitability for one thing or another... What a great way to do things by submitting to the Free study as well.

Imagine how embarrassed the vote knockers would have been if this had been taken by another photog who was with you that evening (such scenarios have occurred in the past). This alone ought to give anyone who voted down some pause.
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08/23/2007 11:00:36 AM
Both images are stunning! The subject may be the same but each image stands on it's own merits. Different clouds, different pose of the couple and different capture of the light and color.

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08/22/2007 09:24:34 PM
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08/22/2007 05:12:12 PM
Excellent photograph...congratulations on winning the blue ribbon!
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08/22/2007 04:02:02 PM
It is funny to see the image I rated highest was the winner.
Congratulation to a incredible image, nice done William.
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08/22/2007 03:05:40 PM
Absolutely STUNNING.
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08/22/2007 01:28:26 PM
Many congratulations, both of your win are excellent images!
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08/22/2007 01:21:11 PM
Originally posted by sh0rty:

Originally posted by sh0rty:

...I think this one turned out nicer than the one you submitted for the other challange...so...I'll keep my vote where it is. (maybe a first place for this one...if people do not change their minds after seeing it in the top three from the other challange?)

I guess not too many came back to mark it down for duplication. An awsome picture...the 2 ribbons prove it! Congrats! :-)

Actually my avg score stayed above 8.1 before Sunday night. The score dropped sharply after the Free Study XVII announcement. Almost all the lowest votes came on Monday; not due to duplication, just because attackers found the target. If you observe the "voting breakdown", I got two 1s and three 3s for this photo but all clear for the other one.

Urban Landscapes II

Votes: 173
Views: 318
Avg Vote: 8.1040
Comments: 32
Favorites: 5
Wish Lists: 1
Updated: 08/20/07 03:10 am
Status: Your submission has been validated, thank you.
08/22/2007 09:27:19 AM
see I told you!!!!! ;);) nice shot!!!
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08/22/2007 08:13:26 AM
AMAZING SCORE and a deserved blue...well done
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08/22/2007 05:42:43 AM
Told ya!
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08/22/2007 05:26:11 AM
Nice Hatrick of ribbons, all of them totally deserved.
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08/22/2007 05:22:21 AM
Don't comment on here often, but just wanted to say that although two almost identical pictures were submitted in the two challenges, the completely different moods they evoke are testament to the photographer, both in the capture and the PP.

They are both beautiful, but this one is my favourite.
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08/22/2007 05:19:55 AM
amazing shot. just perfect. congrats on the ribbon and the score
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08/22/2007 03:05:24 AM
Originally posted by sh0rty:

...I think this one turned out nicer than the one you submitted for the other challange...so...I'll keep my vote where it is. (maybe a first place for this one...if people do not change their minds after seeing it in the top three from the other challange?)

I guess not too many came back to mark it down for duplication. An awsome picture...the 2 ribbons prove it! Congrats! :-)
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08/22/2007 01:00:49 AM
It strikes twice! :) Congrats on blue William.
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08/22/2007 12:41:26 AM
just perfect....congrats
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08/22/2007 12:37:37 AM
Another beauty, William. That is, indeed, a magical spot. Congratulations on winning the blue. Great work.
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08/22/2007 12:28:27 AM
Thank you so much everybody, especially to all the commenters and voters. :-)

I think this is my once in life picture. The clouds, the lights, the reflections and the romantic couple have to all present at the right location. I wonder if I can find another lucky chance to shoot a photo like this again.
Thanks you all for the comments.

Message edited by author 2007-08-22 01:30:40.
08/22/2007 12:26:14 AM
Wow, de ja vu! Congrats again William - It's an amazing shot that can win 2 ribbons in a row!
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08/22/2007 12:23:52 AM
Excellent, I like this one much more than your FS entry. Into favs.
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08/22/2007 12:04:58 AM
Looks good, i swear i was just looking at a picture like this a couple days ago. Congrats
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08/22/2007 12:02:48 AM
Wow wow wow!!!!

Double whammy! Well deserved blue!

Be proud of it, this is a perfect shot of GG.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/21/2007 11:00:30 PM
not bad, for a ribbon winner.

ah, I see this really was a ribbon winner. coming back to bump you down for repeating yourself.
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08/21/2007 07:34:06 PM
I left my heart....(sorry, too much caffeine this morning). Brilliant! My pick of the challenge.
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08/21/2007 03:50:58 PM
Beautiful scene, lighting and color are perfect.
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08/21/2007 03:43:35 PM
This is a familiar sight. A superb shot. I don't think there is anything wrong with entering the same (or almost the same) shot in two or more challenges, I just don't see what there is to gain. For the record I prefer the light in the first shot. Good work
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08/20/2007 10:57:31 PM
This is one of my winners! Great Shot!
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08/20/2007 04:18:57 PM
Wow, the lights in the fog make it look un-natural...looks like a CGI rendering. 10!

Comment added later:
I see you won second in the free study open chalange for a picture almost identical to this one (almost identical composition...just a bit less fog). I guess you technicaly did not break the rule that you can use the same picture for two challanges... However, I think this one turned out nicer than the one you submitted for the other challange...so...I'll keep my vote where it is. (maybe a first place for this one...if people do not change their minds after seeing it in the top three from the other challange?)
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08/20/2007 02:38:44 PM
This is an absolutely beautiful shot. A postcard waiting to happen! HOWEVER, I'm disappointed that you felt the need to submit an (almost) IDENTICAL photo to a concurrent challenge (Free Study XVII - "Golden Gate's colorful night). I feel cheated.
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08/20/2007 12:02:53 PM
Now where have I seen something like this before? Obviously from the same night shoot (and same photog). And it's still a stunning scene. :-)
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08/20/2007 06:57:53 AM
Very nice.. Might be just a tad too long exposure.. But a lovely capture.
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08/20/2007 01:48:10 AM
Beautiful photo, it's good that the two people stand out, even though they're placed at the edge of the picture
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08/19/2007 07:35:10 PM
We have a winner
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08/19/2007 07:11:29 PM
Stunning capture of the Golden Gate Bridge! Beautiful colors and a wonderfully fresh and unique perspective. The mist on the water is a perfect foreground. 10
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08/19/2007 04:09:42 PM
unbelievable....this had to be posed...this is just gorgeous, big TEN from me
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08/18/2007 05:30:28 AM
Very romantic indeed!
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08/18/2007 03:16:03 AM
i love very much this picture it´s amazing
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08/17/2007 10:28:42 PM
One of my favs in the challenge. Captures the mood wonderfully.
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08/17/2007 04:20:15 PM
one of the best golden gate shot i have ever seen. addition of two romantic couple is just priceless 10
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08/17/2007 02:19:33 PM
Nice colors. I left my heart...
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08/17/2007 10:48:29 AM
I think I'm only going to make one comment in this challenge. It has a lot of excellent photos. But yours, 'The Place Where Romance Starts' is also where the Blue Ribbon will end...imho. I can't think of anything helpful to add, you've done it all. It's a prefect 10.
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08/16/2007 10:22:21 PM
The way the couple on the left is lit up is perfect. I love the GG bridge and have taken photos of it from various spots. I never would have thought of getting a great picture like yours from that far away.
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08/16/2007 06:17:35 PM
Spectacular shot. I love the couple on the left who are there but not stealing the scene. The sea wall on the left takes you eye up to them to the bridge then across the frame.

The lighting is what really makes this shot a winner. I'll predict that this is top 10 if not a blue ribboner. Simply stunning.
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08/16/2007 11:28:57 AM
wow that's a nice picture
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08/16/2007 06:38:27 AM
Beautiful shot
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08/15/2007 11:02:13 PM
Beautiful soft romantic shot. 10
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08/15/2007 05:44:39 PM
Fantastic capture!
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08/15/2007 05:12:42 PM
Wow... I love it, beautiful shot ;)
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08/15/2007 04:07:37 PM
WOW !! This is a 10
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08/15/2007 03:30:50 PM
Very nice, i think it would be a 10, but there's too much foreground for me.
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08/15/2007 01:46:03 PM
Fabulous! 10
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08/15/2007 12:57:03 PM
The people make this shot so much more than a standard postcard shot. This could ribbon. Nice job. 9 from me.
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08/15/2007 12:42:30 PM
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08/15/2007 10:54:37 AM
Great shot. The whole scene is magical! Very well done. A 10 from me.
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08/15/2007 10:07:19 AM
A very good picture. Now, where have I seen something like this before?
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08/15/2007 09:59:50 AM
Cover of a romance novel? I mean that as a compliment.
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08/15/2007 08:36:44 AM
beautiful...the colours and clouds in the sky are amazing...well done 9
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08/15/2007 12:49:06 AM
Wonderful image. First "10" I've ever given.
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08/15/2007 12:37:21 AM
wow. very nicely done, and perfectly placed couple. the best I have seen so far. good luck. 8
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08/15/2007 12:10:50 AM
Makes me want to take a dip. Then dip again. That would be a double dip... ;) (no vote)
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