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Hidden:  An Urban Alley Legend
Hidden: An Urban Alley Legend

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rural Landscapes (Basic Editing)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: Aug 14, 2007
Aperture: 7.1
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Cityscape, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Aug 14, 2007


Place: 284 out of 290
Avg (all users): 3.8558
Avg (commenters): 3.1200
Avg (participants): 3.7353
Avg (non-participants): 3.9143
Views since voting: 1141
Views during voting: 385
Votes: 208
Comments: 37
Favorites: 0

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08/24/2007 08:07:46 PM
Awwww......Bob.......that is SO nice of you! Thank you! HUGS!!!!

I shall leave it stand as it is, score wise, it's a part of my adventure in DPC and a reminder to me to MAKE SURE that I have entered the "right challenge" from here out! *grin*

I know what "Earl" meant to me and I'm proud of it even though it was mistakenly entered into the wrong challenge. It's people like YOU and Colorcarnival and Low there that really have made it worthwhile in having it in my portfolio in spite of the very low score.

Thank you Bob350!!!
08/23/2007 09:25:46 PM
You image definitely captures part of the "urban landscape", a concept which is a lot broader than some posters recognize. Thank you for confirming that this really was not intended for the "rural landscape" challenge. I think you are right that a lot of DPC members understood that this was most likely a posting error. The diagonal element and uncluttered wall focus attention on the subject. He isn't as scruffy as many of the characters I've seen in similar circumstances, but you have to capture images as you find them.

Because the simultaneous challenges had very similar names, it seems like an understandable error worthy of some leniency. Knowing that ruling on exceptions can be difficult to handle consistently across differing circumstances, I wonder if the site council would consider removing it from your cumulative average for votes received (if that is technically feasible -- maybe by removing it from the competition and recalculating) if that is something you would seek. Of course, it may not have a big impact either way since you have been in 37 challenges, but the recognition of your situation might be worth something.
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08/23/2007 08:42:49 PM
Thank you Lowcivicman99 for "getting it"! *smile* It's very much appreciated!

Colorcarnival.......you MUST know "Earl"! LOL And, yes, he was "mocked" for his sandals and sadly, put to shame by a really DUMB photographer who accidently entered her URBAN challenge entry into the RURAL challenge!

Thankfully, a lot of voters understood this mistaken entry but, Poor Earl was voted into a pitiful score of only 1% which made both him and the photographer, hit the bottle even harder! Not only was he down and out, but he was also labelled as a "staged fat bum" and a DNMC...even though he didn't know what that last label meant and really wasn't a bum at all but rather a regular guy who found himself proped against a wall, with Jack Daniels as his only friend.

So, both this photographer and Earl hung their heads in shame and Earl will never be seen again. His NY baseball cap hangs as a testament to his brave battle and his sandals have been bronzed. May "Earl" rest in peace, knowing that there were two people who understood him.

Prayers for Earl's bravery. AMEN
08/22/2007 08:01:27 AM
I get it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/21/2007 09:43:42 PM
Earl was sick of seeing cows and bales of hay so he took to the streets of his small rural town (which seemed quite urban to him since he had never been any where else), and looked for a quiet place to have a drink. Earl had no idea how much harder it was to chase after the horses all day in his sandals so he soon fell asleep after sitting down on the ground. A photojournalist (who actually hates the Yankees) happened to be strolling around Earl's town looking for a story to submit to his editor. So he thought it would be funny to drag a garbage can up to poor Earl and scatter around some litter and make Earl look like the town drunk. Many people in Earl's town saw the picture and began to gossip about him. The townsfolk could not get over the fact that Earl did not wear socks with his sandals and began to mock him for it. Earl retired to his ranch in shame. Several years later, he was found frozen to death outside his home, wearing nothing but that Yankees hat.
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08/21/2007 05:27:28 PM
Not a rural landscape IMO. Did you submit to the wrong challenge?
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08/21/2007 03:19:05 PM
Neither Rural or a landscape...?
08/20/2007 10:07:50 PM
08/20/2007 10:01:40 PM
how does this image fit in with the challenge "rural landscape"?? i'm not seeing it
08/20/2007 07:47:20 PM
Wrong challenge.
08/20/2007 04:47:23 PM
Does not apply to challenge
08/19/2007 07:51:47 AM
Rural Landscape??
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08/19/2007 03:59:02 AM
Oops did you enter in the wrong challenge?
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08/18/2007 07:31:48 PM
I'm finding a fat bum in a newer-looking shirt, pants, sandals and Yankees hat a little hard to believe. Also guessing this is urban, not rural... Composition & lighting is good.
08/18/2007 02:40:40 AM
DNMC - Wrong Challenge???
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08/17/2007 08:34:33 PM
Points for color scheme. Horizontal balance is a bit off. I have real difficulty with this as a Rural Landscape.
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08/17/2007 03:04:13 PM
Rural? Looks a bit posed.
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08/17/2007 08:58:00 AM
Wrong challenge, I believe.
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08/17/2007 07:27:25 AM
Rural maybe. Landscapes no.
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08/16/2007 10:21:18 PM
wrong challenge maybe? or i dont get it...
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08/16/2007 07:43:42 PM
Wrong challenge?
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08/16/2007 11:39:01 AM
Stretches the definition of rural landscape a bit....
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08/16/2007 10:30:52 AM
Wow. Great shot.
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08/16/2007 09:04:47 AM
urban alley in rural landscapes challenge ?
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08/16/2007 06:56:00 AM
ummm..wrong challenge my friend
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08/15/2007 11:21:03 PM
Rural???? Or mis-entered? DNMC
But great capture if in the correct challenge
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08/15/2007 09:06:35 PM
Was this photo supposed to be in the Urban challenge?
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08/15/2007 03:43:05 PM
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08/15/2007 03:08:58 PM
this would also have been hammered in the right challenge...
08/15/2007 02:50:33 PM
OOPS!!!! Nice Urban shot!
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08/15/2007 02:23:12 PM
Sorry this may be a ledgend but it is not a Landscape, dont think it fits the challenge but the photo in its self is good.
08/15/2007 01:36:39 PM
Uh-ohhhhhh. . . I think this must be the one I read about in the urban landscape score thread that accidentally got entered into the wrong challenge! I am SO SORRY!! This would make a perfect urban landscape. I hope Site Council is kind to you and lets you move it over.

I won't vote on it until it gets moved over (thinking positively that it will be) Good Luck!
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08/15/2007 12:53:20 PM
Ooops! Wrong challenge maybe?
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08/15/2007 11:24:45 AM
i will pass from voting - sorry you entered the wrong challenge!
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08/15/2007 09:47:06 AM
Oops - wrong challenge.
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08/15/2007 09:00:01 AM
I'm sure I'm not alone in mentioning this, but I think you entered this in the wrong challenge. Even if this is a "rural" alley, the Yankees cap implies otherwise. :-/
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08/15/2007 06:17:46 AM
Great shot, but I get the feeling you entered this in the wrong challenge (Rural instead of Urban...)
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