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Time for Tool Time
Time for Tool Time

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Garage Art (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Polaroid PDC 640
Location: My Garage
Date: Jan 30, 2004
Aperture: N/A
Shutter: N/A
Date Uploaded: Feb 1, 2004


Place: 158 out of 159
Avg (all users): 3.0645
Avg (commenters): 2.9524
Avg (participants): 3.0238
Avg (non-participants): 3.0854
Views since voting: 1186
Votes: 248
Comments: 23
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/10/2004 03:24:03 PM
This shot needs to be much better focussed and am unsure that the harsh transition from tool board to clock does the picture any favours. Keep at it!
02/09/2004 11:16:03 PM
Cute setup and title, but very low image quality and lighting.
02/08/2004 02:20:48 PM
Good idea but very out of focus. The white sides are also distracting. Maybe you are unfamiliar with the cropping and sending of files and that's why this happened.
02/08/2004 02:58:39 AM
Good idea but the focus is a little off though!
The light hitting the clock is a bit bright
02/07/2004 10:23:22 PM
Look at the time, better get focused. Too bad that one did not come out too good....but I have seen much worse. Good luck, next contest you will own : ) nice try.
02/07/2004 08:39:47 PM
A bit out of focus?
02/07/2004 05:25:48 PM
kinda blurry
02/06/2004 11:56:24 PM
Nice idea, the flash flattened the image, which is washed out and out of focus, another light source might help with this. The cropping doesn't help the composition.
02/06/2004 01:23:27 PM
The white border on sides take away from the subject. And I know I have taken many pictures with glares, I have gotten better by having other light sources so like glares on the clock wouldnt be there.
02/06/2004 01:18:40 PM
Photo is a little fuzzy and not quite straight, looks the the wrenches area leaning. Also the flash in the clock is a little distracting.
02/06/2004 11:04:33 AM
Out of focus. The glare on the clock is distracting.
02/06/2004 08:33:04 AM
This is out of focus and a very bad shot 1
02/06/2004 02:05:12 AM
Well, let's see. Focus isn't there, there are hot spots on the clock, the composition isn't terribly interesting, and I don't get why there's all that white space on either side.
02/05/2004 02:41:13 PM
wAy out of focus... and what's with the HUGE white side borders?
02/05/2004 01:36:24 PM
This doesn't quite look in focus to me... I think, that tools are supposed to be strong, hard things, so they should be pretty sharp. I can't quite tell whether this looks like it was a question of compression or something else. Also the lights glaring off of the clock are really quite bothersome. I don't care for the white border just on the two sides, I feel it detracts from the subject. I do like the repetition and the similar tools getting larger.
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02/05/2004 07:19:17 AM
Glare on clock and low light levels hurt this shot.
02/04/2004 08:13:17 PM
Is this a scan?
02/04/2004 01:51:36 PM
You could have done this in a much better way if you had only spent some time with the lighting and a few more minor adjustments. You could have atleast focused on the wrenches.
02/04/2004 01:09:44 PM
out of focus, oversharpeded, too dark
02/04/2004 10:53:20 AM
Think I would have tried to reduce reflections on clock, gotten a better focus and straightened this image.
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02/04/2004 10:51:33 AM
Bad lighting [glare on the clock] and bad focus makes this look more like a snapshot than anything. Next time set up a different light source and work more on focus, and you'll have a good shot on your hands.
02/04/2004 07:19:22 AM
Really I had only one word about it: Focus. It´s a good composition, the clock is disposable, but the three wrenchs are in good form to make a big shoot. A tip, is to try some points of view, and explore your light conditions. If the light is not good, your camera can´t do a great focus job, then try to use a tripod and manual focus.
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02/04/2004 12:58:09 AM
Not in focus
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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