Here is the before :p Kind of a lot went into it. RAW conversion twice, once to get the sky and trees better, and once for the Stupa and foreground. Horizon line fix, and crop. Separated the sky, trees, stupa and foreground into different layers and did brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, selective color (most important /nod), and shadow/highlight (which is where the superimposed look came from) on each layer independently . Duplicated the tree and foreground layers and applied a slight gaussian blur at like 15% opacity. Added a layer of black around the outer edge on soft light mode at like 30% for the vignette. Did Luko USM (my new favorite tool) to sharpen. Cloned a couple of people out. Save for web.
The place is the Shambhala Mountain Center, a Buddhist retreat about a half hour outside Ft. Collins, Co. Definitely a cool place to take pictures /nod, several of my current favorites in my portfolio are from that trip.
Message edited by author 2007-09-09 13:51:58. |