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Salt and Pepper
Salt and Pepper

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Things That Go Together (Advanced Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: bedroom
Date: Feb 1, 2004
Aperture: 2.4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Still Life, Macro
Date Uploaded: Feb 1, 2004

A lot of cropping. Cloning. Masks. Contrast Enhacement. Clipping. etc...
Set up on a piece of glass.

Place: 26 out of 164
Avg (all users): 6.0809
Avg (commenters): 7.4400
Avg (participants): 6.0865
Avg (non-participants): 6.0725
Views since voting: 2014
Votes: 173
Comments: 29
Favorites: 1 (view)

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05/04/2004 07:40:14 PM
I love this! i did a similar shot for a challenge last year and never entered it..but yours is much nicer. :) I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this would look cool.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/08/2004 07:49:42 PM
Good one ... but one question ... how did you do this?!?!
02/08/2004 10:34:33 AM
I think this is a great shot, but it's more about the nice effect you made with the yin yang than about the photo itself. It seems to me I'm looking more at the art and going "nice art" than thinking "nice photo". Hence only a 6.
02/07/2004 05:56:39 AM
very good image, i think this is the best of the many salt 'n pepper entries. good exposure and focus, nicely framed too.
02/07/2004 02:49:58 AM
one of the best salt/pepper combinations in this challenge, the colors seem to be undercontrasted; i would have loved to see a brighter white salt, but i suppose if you would have done that the peper would have been unpleasently contrasted, i wasn't too fond of your border either....good job
02/06/2004 10:58:17 AM
a little too dark, especially near the top
02/06/2004 03:50:46 AM
clever use of simple subjects
02/05/2004 07:52:56 PM
Very clever! I love it.
02/05/2004 01:09:58 AM
fun concept
02/04/2004 11:56:36 AM
An interesting composition using these two elements. I can see at least two possible interpretations.
02/03/2004 10:42:43 PM
I like this it would make a great poster!
02/03/2004 07:59:13 PM
excellent idea! Who knew so many of these would come up with this challenge. Very creative & perfectly molded. 9!
02/03/2004 08:53:36 AM
Very good texture. The image appears somewhat 2 dimensional.
02/03/2004 12:01:01 AM
Nice choice for salt and pepper. I like the black back ground.
02/02/2004 08:04:17 PM
I think just a little more space around the subject would have helped.
02/02/2004 06:31:41 PM
This is my favorite of the Salt and peper shots. - 8
02/02/2004 06:01:50 PM
Awesome... love this shot and idea very well done good luck 10 from me
02/02/2004 04:08:14 PM
Cool shot. Good idea and execution. Added point for the patience this shot must have taken.
02/02/2004 10:21:29 AM

Message edited by author 2005-04-09 00:04:38.
02/02/2004 07:16:49 AM
Very creative (and time consuming to set up) Excellent idea well executed. Minor nit: would have liked to see a bit more of the edge on the center right. That said - well done
02/02/2004 06:36:33 AM
02/02/2004 05:10:10 AM
Nicely done but lighting is a little low - the peppercorns really fade into the background. Either a little more lighting to bring those out or perhaps a different colour background.
02/02/2004 02:13:03 AM
Nice idea, though the yin seems to be winning... :)
02/02/2004 12:58:44 AM
Very interesting application of the challenge theme. You've managed to combine two different subjects. One weakness hits me, though - it's underexposed. More lightness would help to whiten the salt, bring out the details in the pepper and give the whole shot a bigger wow feeling. 7
02/02/2004 12:52:24 AM
I not big on the lighting IMO
02/02/2004 12:42:20 AM
Veru creative! Great!
02/02/2004 12:34:04 AM
Excellent image. Nice interpretation of the way they go together. I think it deserves a 10.
02/02/2004 12:17:03 AM
nicely captured and well composed. a shame that another photographer did the same thing, but you still didi a nice job here.

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