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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Opening (Basic Editing)
Camera: Pentax K100D
Lens: Pentax 28mm F2.0 SMC M
Location: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Date: Sep 8, 2007
Aperture: manual
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/125th
Galleries: Transportation
Date Uploaded: Sep 9, 2007


Place: 75 out of 143
Avg (all users): 5.3261
Avg (commenters): 5.7692
Avg (participants): 4.7674
Avg (non-participants): 5.4965
Views since voting: 1810
Views during voting: 294
Votes: 184
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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08/01/2009 11:53:31 PM
This is truly spectacular! Stumbled on this accidentally. One of the most superb images I've seen in a while.
09/24/2007 07:31:35 AM
Sublime and wonderful, Andre. I keep trying to add you as a favorite photographer and my computer keeps telling me "Error - undieyatch is already on your list, you doofus!" Sad that it seems many didn't take the time to truly appreciate what is here for them to see.
09/19/2007 12:08:17 AM
congrats on your p-ribbon. Awesome shot. I definitely see how it fits the challenge. NIcely done.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/18/2007 11:46:58 PM
I love this oddly perfect mix of outside and inside worlds.

Posthumous Blue Ribbon

09/18/2007 04:05:49 PM
Don't see something in the process of opening.
09/17/2007 08:11:54 PM
i like this a lot, it has a very nice surreal look.
09/17/2007 09:27:37 AM
uh, why didn't you go inside?
09/16/2007 09:52:40 AM
M C Escher-like.
09/15/2007 01:55:30 AM
I love it, but what would a horizontal framing have looked like? Is there a reason for the very tight crop on the right?
09/14/2007 11:32:23 AM
pretty car! i want one!
09/14/2007 09:02:51 AM
No feel of challenge.
09/13/2007 09:28:59 AM
With the top halfway open, it would surely qualify. Is there a reflection cutting across part of the car?
09/13/2007 08:36:48 AM
wooooooooooow - this is just amazing I think.
I caught my eye instantly and I LOVE the way it makes my brain work overtime trying to understand the editing.... double layer? with a roof? up in the sky? anyway - beatiful shot and a fiiiiiiiiiine lookin old-school vehicle.
09/13/2007 08:08:38 AM
Points for image but DNMC.
09/12/2007 06:32:54 PM
The background spoils this effect
09/12/2007 03:52:51 PM
What here is actually "in the act of opening."
09/12/2007 02:17:51 PM
the lower portion of the picture could have been cropped more but....i love the photo and lighting of the car

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