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One Mans' Junk...
One Mans' Junk...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR DG IF-ED
Location: Orillia Ontario Canada
Date: Sep 15, 2007
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Urban, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Sep 16, 2007

Viewed: 360
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

This is what you see if you are of privilege and can afford the $800,000.00 price tag for a non waterside view.

The developer and the city tried to remove this man from his land alltogether.

They soon found out that they were dealing with a man who, not only was way smarter then all of their lawyers put together but he also had more money then the entire city and developer as well.

It was alot of fun watching this play out in the media. Every time the city thought they had him he produced more deeds and sales agreements and legal papers then they could wade throuhg and tied them up for years.

No one was smart enough to check into who they were dealing with, and if they had they could have saved themselves alot of time and money.

The owner of the scrap yard (the lonely older man we all traded out scrap metal to for money) was a very,very powerful and well liked retired lawyer and realestate owner. Not only did he own all the waterfront where they wanted to build but he also owned several large parcels of land in downtown Toronto as well as Toronto waterfront. Not someone to piss off and the city found that out the hard way.

His last official act towards his estate was to move back 500 feet from the waterfront and enclose hin property with a fence.

His son continues to opreate from the remaining property and showes no signs of stopping.

As much as it is an eyesore and a blight on the otherwise beautiful waterfront in our town it truely was a victory for the "little guy" over the big city and their lawyers, and if people are stupid enough to pay $800,000.00 to have a birds eye view of a scrap yard so be it.

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09/29/2007 10:59:02 PM
Great story to go with the photo. Getting background info behind the shots has been my favorite part of this challenge. I like the slight vignette on the photo as well.
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09/28/2007 11:38:25 PM
I love the story behind this picture and the truck. Woohooo for the "little" guy. There is just so much to look at in this picture. The intermingling of colors really pulls me into the picture. Great walkabout capture!
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09/20/2007 11:00:26 PM
Love the story. It's fun when they pick on someone who can defend himself. I like the chopper in the center. It looks a lot like a shark head, and cuts metal like big scissors. I built one for a friend of mine who works with scrap metal, and she loved using it for many years. It was not as heavy as the one in the pic here.
I also like the light and the jumble of odds and ends in this image.
You may want to think about a reshoot, or crop to just the one machine, for a fun personification shot.
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09/18/2007 04:12:13 PM
I find your story quite amusing - somehow it just feels good to a person fight city hall and win. That junkyard would make a great place to shoot, owner permitting of course.
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09/17/2007 02:00:27 AM
I LOVE the story. An excellent example of never judging a book by its cover. And I quite like this shot - you got great light and though it's a big jumble-o-stuff, it's very interesting. And a great illustration for your story. Thanks for sharing your walk!
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09/16/2007 06:55:03 PM
The judge made him put up an eight foot fence, but what good was that when they built the condo's six stories high. The whole thing is a source of great laughter for thoes of us who know the story and how it unfolded.
09/16/2007 06:50:57 PM
What a nice run of photos, thanks for sharing. nice story to go along with it, especially on this image. Nice shot.
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09/16/2007 06:50:01 PM
Very, very interesting story to a one time zoning commissioner! I am surprized the judge didn't make him hide the material.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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