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Hovering Hummingbird
Hovering Hummingbird

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2007-09 (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 300mm f/4.0 IF-ED Silent Wave
Location: Backyard of Home
Date: Sep 9, 2007
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Nature
Date Uploaded: Sep 23, 2007


Place: 476 out of 503
Avg (all users): 4.8099
Avg (commenters): 4.3636
Avg (participants): 4.8242
Avg (non-participants): 4.7667
Views since voting: 995
Views during voting: 195
Votes: 121
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/06/2007 04:35:39 PM
Sorry I don't care for the border at all and while the photo is nice its not quite sharp and could use some extra contrast.
10/05/2007 10:14:41 PM
For me, you have chosen such a busy, multi-layered border it really takes away from the image itself :( With such a border I feel like you've taken a photo of a photo on a wall.
10/05/2007 03:43:47 PM
The color fell flat. The blue border only makes the color appear more dull.
10/05/2007 01:35:54 PM
Sorry, but the framing is awful. Better to leave the images as they are.
10/04/2007 06:54:34 PM
Oh, wow! That's what I said when this image popped up on the screen. Terrific capture! I have three of these little rascals that hang around the house and they are sooooooooo hard to catch! 7
10/04/2007 06:38:24 PM
I feel you've used the excessive framing to try and detract from the clarity of the bird.

Clearly you've done very well to get this image, but it lacks in post processing to 'bring it off' the page. The frames really are 'too much' and have dwarfed your subject.

Contrast, maybe Shadow/Highlights and then a REALLY GOOD go at High Pass sharpening.
I would have concentrated on the bird, worked levels, burned the eye and around the body (thinly) to make it POP.
10/04/2007 03:04:57 PM
The border distracts too much :(
10/04/2007 08:29:32 AM
Could use a bit more contrast, and i'm not a fan of these kinda borders hehe..
10/03/2007 10:42:02 PM
Awesome.. The framing enhances the shot.. Simply the best!! 11+
10/03/2007 08:33:20 PM
I really like the image but I don't think this order/frame goes well with the image. A bit more contrast would relly make the bird stand out, in my opinion.
10/02/2007 11:26:38 PM
the frame is too distracting to me. Nice hummer to me.
10/02/2007 10:12:42 PM
the humming bird is pretty, a little tighter crop would be good imo. imo way overboard on the borders though.
10/02/2007 02:18:15 PM
Why on earth did you decide to add that ugly framin? You totally ruined a nice picture imo.
10/02/2007 01:18:08 PM
The picture is soft and the boarder is way to busy for such a simple shot
10/02/2007 12:54:58 PM
I think the picture itself is fine, but the frame/border thing ruins it.
10/01/2007 04:27:27 PM
The border is more interesting than the photo in the fact that the blue and brown, neither of which exist within the image, argue attention away from the subject.
10/01/2007 02:50:44 PM
nice picture ... I think it could benefit from a slight boost in contrast ... I'm not a fan of the borders though ... they distract from your image ...
10/01/2007 11:14:15 AM
Good capture of a hummingbird in flight although it seems a bit washed out and fuzzy. I do not like your frame, though, it is really distracting.
10/01/2007 11:07:00 AM
A bit noisy and flat in color. Good capture in general. I have never tried a hummingbird shot but I have to assume its not easy. That border though is a stinker. Really not good for your image.
10/01/2007 10:47:22 AM
Uh, went a little nuts on the frame, dontcha think? :) Seriously, I would have bumped it up a notch or two had it not been for all of the framing.
10/01/2007 09:02:21 AM
That border really kills the beauty of the bird. A simple one would be so much more artful.
10/01/2007 08:57:36 AM
Such a pretty shot with lovely subdued colours. I think the frame overwhelms it a bit but still its an interesting choice. Certainly stands out as different. For me however the beautiful bird and soft background stand on there own.
10/01/2007 07:45:43 AM
i think the frame really really detracts from the photo here. it's too fake and too much.
10/01/2007 02:09:12 AM
hmmm. Seems a tad overexposed, and the frame is distracting, IMO.

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