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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Group Portrait (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Lake Havassu, CA
Date: Sep 30, 2007
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Oct 2, 2007

So I wanted I really nice candid feeling photo on the truck and it didn't really happen. The was the best image as far as composition and posing but I didn't like the theme all that much of me changing the tire. Did it for fun because the group suggested it and I thought it would be cute and then it ended up being the best shot!

From left to right:

Easton, Misty, Noelly, Evan, Cory and then down at the bottom changing the tire is me!

Place: 30 out of 86
Avg (all users): 5.6997
Avg (commenters): 6.7600
Avg (participants): 5.3429
Avg (non-participants): 5.7446
Views since voting: 1995
Views during voting: 804
Votes: 313
Comments: 31
Favorites: 2 (view)

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03/19/2008 04:06:40 PM
I think this is a great photo. As soon as I saw it I recognized it as being a portion of the Colorado river. This reminds me of those old Sunkist commercials that I grew up watching. Overall an excellent capture.
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12/15/2007 12:28:16 PM
I like the tongue-in-cheek title! Many motivational/instructional posters sound so sermonizing, this is bound to leave an impression and perhaps drive home the message straight (even with a flat tire! LOL!!! :-)
A second look makes me feel there seems to be more irony than meets the eye - the thinnest girl in the group (team, eh?) seems to be doing the job!

This goes straight into my fav! Can I use it - in a non commercial way?
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12/15/2007 10:44:41 AM
Lazy dudes drinking while the girl does the dirty work? Nah man... :)
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10/10/2007 01:11:27 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/09/2007 11:13:09 PM
10/08/2007 08:35:35 PM
without a fill light from the right this looks snapish
10/08/2007 05:52:02 PM
OK, now, this is good because you made it look natural although we know its posed.. so it has that candid feel, whilst still staying in the realms of portrait, and for that I award you a 8.. well done.
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10/08/2007 12:02:48 PM
Very cute :o)
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10/08/2007 02:16:25 AM
wow, the guys are just watching the girl do all the work... interesting... why is the girl on top wearing a hoodie? It seems a little "weird..." but overall, i really like this picture :)
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10/08/2007 01:28:49 AM
Looks too staged.
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10/08/2007 01:09:33 AM
Abercrombie, here we come.
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10/07/2007 01:35:36 PM
great concept
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10/06/2007 11:22:04 PM
Great portrait of your mechanic. Does she make island calls? Just kidding. A touch centered IMO but I like it anyway.
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10/06/2007 06:17:45 PM
I like how you was able to get the contrast and brightness to be just right, even though it looks like you took the shot in extreme sun light.
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10/06/2007 02:25:12 PM
LOL!!! Yeah......what a team!!!!! NOT!!! Sure looks like Monica changing the tire!
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10/06/2007 10:11:03 AM
great lighting
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10/05/2007 09:22:57 PM
very good coloring...nice job
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10/05/2007 09:08:42 AM
While I find the concept kind of amusing, I think the photo would have been better if you actually made the tire flat!
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10/05/2007 04:32:50 AM
Funny but the center girl pink bikini has an akward position which distracts. Can crop on the left as the motion of the picture is from left to right.
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10/04/2007 08:44:01 PM
Cool! Reminds me of the "college" years. (9)
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10/04/2007 07:08:52 PM
I know this one will make it into the humorous caption thread after the challenge.
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10/04/2007 01:43:38 PM
This kinda looks like a Calvin Kline Ad. I love the title!
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10/04/2007 12:57:24 PM
Creative take on the challenge, nicely lit.
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10/04/2007 11:26:49 AM
The title gives meaning to this simple shot. funny!
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10/04/2007 08:47:15 AM
I like it. The combination of picture and title is cynical in a funny way. Would have liked a shorter DOF though, and slightly stronger colours. Also, I think a thighter crop on the right end side might have worked better. (6)
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10/03/2007 04:09:09 PM
Very creative portrait.
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10/03/2007 12:05:08 PM
I think Im partial because they are crawling around a Jeep... though... if you removed all the other people and just had the girl in the red dress the photo would be fantastic. I know, I know... group portrait and all, but I hope you were able to get that as an outtake. The contrast of her dress, the red jeep, tan sand and blue water is superb.
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10/03/2007 06:49:56 AM
The staged aspect is a bit, well, staged, but it is an amusing picture just the same.
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10/03/2007 04:20:30 AM
very creative
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10/03/2007 02:01:11 AM
i wish the crop could have been a bit tighter
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10/03/2007 12:49:27 AM
Someone needs to tell her that tire is fine! Good shot.
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