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Missing Her
Missing Her

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Searching (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II
Location: Dallas, Texas
Date: Oct 1, 2007
Aperture: f 5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 7, 2007

This photograph represents a man searching for what he has lost.

Place: 56 out of 122
Avg (all users): 5.5571
Avg (commenters): 5.5714
Avg (participants): 5.1429
Avg (non-participants): 5.7802
Views since voting: 1023
Views during voting: 248
Votes: 140
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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10/17/2007 10:46:03 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club.

Hi Charles,

Welcome to DPC, and congratulations on your first submission. I think you've done very well for a first attempt - 5.5 is nothing to be sniffed at.

Must say that my first impression was that you took a bit of a risk with this submission, as DPC voters can be notoriously exacting about entries not satisfying their understanding of the challenge. Fortunately it looks like you only got one sever DNMC vote. kurv's suggestion to title it differently might have mitigated this.

The great strength of this image is it's heavy emotive connotations. The model (yourself, I think) has done an excellent job of conveying the sense of a more than merely physical gap. This could perhaps have been emphasised further by having the seats closer together, and perhaps a glimpse of the forlorn face. I would really like to echo Sachlichkeit's feedback on the general tome of the image - somethign a little darker would have facilitated the mood more. Personally I like the background as it evokes a sense of past experiences shared and memories being relived. In terms of general composition I think this would have worke da little better with the subject closer to the bottom of the frame (but still keeping the textured wood in the frame - maybe a higher point-of-view for the camera would have achieved this.

The image is technical sound, although could probably do without the blow-outs on the shirt. You haven't mentioned your post-processing steps so I can't comment too much here. It doesn't look as if you have doen too much, other than maybe some light sharpening.

It is my hope that these insights are helpful and constructive. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions regarding this critique. And please remember to mark it "Helpful" if you found it so. Good luck with future challenges.

10/15/2007 02:09:35 PM
Thanks so much for those who voted and left comments, even if good or bad. This was my first challenge, and to place 56th out of 120 is not all that bad for a first submission. I'll take all feedback and maybe do better next time!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/14/2007 12:45:09 AM
I like the concept, but not sure what purpose the background serves.
10/13/2007 02:08:46 PM
missing? yes. but this is about searching right?
10/12/2007 02:17:10 AM
This image is well composed. However, I think you could've done a few things in post processing to strengthen the viewers emotional connection with the loss that the man is feeling at his (wifes?) absence.

Sudden loss is a powerful and reality altering experiance. Shot in black and white, with some dodging and burning to darken the dock foreground and the distracting trees in the background would automatically draw the viewers attention to the center of the image--the grieving man and the empty seat. Because of the composition, the center (the base of the chair to the top of the man) tells me everything I need to know. Emphasize it.
10/11/2007 01:12:21 PM
Clean and simple image. I like the anonymity of the main subject. Good use of the rule of thirds for the background.
10/10/2007 10:31:33 PM
Ahh that is lovely
10/10/2007 03:22:41 AM
wonderful... one of the best 5 in this challenge. 10 our of 10 for concept. (ofcourse would have been the BEST fit in the Missing You category)
10/09/2007 12:26:25 PM
so sad... title could have been better though Soul Searching, or something
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/08/2007 10:21:29 PM
Strong emotional idea, nice location. If you had waited a couple more hours for the sun to set the light would have made all the difference, and seems a little but short on contrast IMO.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/08/2007 07:59:01 PM
The background is distracting to me.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/08/2007 05:51:28 AM

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