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Upward Spiral
Upward Spiral

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Textures II (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Columbia, MO
Date: Feb 11, 2004
Aperture: 7.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/15
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Feb 12, 2004

Sometimes it's just amazeing where you can stick your camera and come out with interesting designs and textures.

Place: 58 out of 406
Avg (all users): 5.9060
Avg (commenters): 7.2308
Avg (participants): 5.7041
Avg (non-participants): 6.2577
Views since voting: 1551
Votes: 266
Comments: 30
Favorites: 4 (view)

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07/20/2004 11:12:51 PM
I wasn't a member during this challenge, and just came across this shot tonight...and I had to add it to my favorites. Who knew something so simple could be so beautiful? Great shot...love it! :o)
02/25/2004 12:48:12 PM
Thank you to all who voted and left comments. Yoy all have been a big help and expireing to produce better images. Thank you again.
02/25/2004 07:04:44 AM
I didn't have time to comment during the challenge. But I'm taking 2 minutes now to comment on this awesome image.

This was one of the two 10's I gave out on this challenge. It was a great idea and the execution was near perfect. I really think this should have placed higher than it did even if it was in the top 60.

A great shot and a winner as far as I'm concerned.

 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/24/2004 09:16:41 PM
Ok...what is it????
02/24/2004 03:19:55 PM
Very interesting composition with the spiral line of the cylinder. It makes your eyes follow it all the way toward the center where the light is. Looks like the looking through a toilet paper/towel tube. Great textures captured of the cardboard. "10"
02/23/2004 12:05:06 PM
A happy light.
02/23/2004 01:17:12 AM
Very original shot. Nice choice for texture and very interesting to look at.
02/22/2004 05:55:44 AM
I'm sure the light down the middle of this object was necessary to get the texture, but it is very distracting to me. Too bad, because the texture on the rest of it is well done.
02/21/2004 07:31:30 PM
Simple object, but very interesting. Nice work
02/21/2004 07:04:34 AM
Great composition. Light straight down the middle works great here. Tell them they're full of pooh if some say this would work beter off centre (rule of third). Would make a nice print. Jacko. 10
02/20/2004 07:48:07 PM
I'm back to comment. Nice perspective and texture. Lighting is great. Creative use of Bounty tubes :)

Keep it up...
02/20/2004 04:18:12 PM
Is this what I think it is--paper towel roll? I love the depth of field, it keeps me right near the middle and yet still makes my eye wander into the spiraling light. Very well done.
02/20/2004 08:38:34 AM
Interesting perspective that really shows the texture through the focus range. Great!
02/20/2004 08:20:26 AM
Move into the light . . . interesting - not too washed out in the center considering you were shooting upward.
02/20/2004 07:32:48 AM
super shot - is this a cardboard tube or something bigger? Either way very effective and a rare 10 in this challenge.
02/20/2004 03:38:54 AM
magnificant photograph... i wish it was not this over exposed toward the end of the tunnel... i gave it a 9...
02/20/2004 01:48:34 AM
to me this is a gradient, not a texture (in the first instance)
02/19/2004 11:33:32 PM
Very cool. Cardboard tube? Interesting shot.
02/19/2004 07:14:33 PM
Is the light at the end of the tunnel an approaching train? Very clever idea!
02/19/2004 01:54:49 PM
Don't suppose the tube came from dpcPrints, huh? Tonihng is effective, composition is good - abstract enough to suit a centred set-up, and exposure is fine. Great on the texture of the inside of the tube too, but a touch on the mundane side, without being radically different enough of a view to grab my attention. Competent though.
02/19/2004 12:51:08 PM
I'm waiting for the guy in the tuxedo to walk into the picture, turn and shoot. Bond. James Bond.

Cool shot.
02/19/2004 12:40:19 PM
I like the concept.
02/19/2004 04:54:15 AM
[World Record Attempt]
+ It is a tunnel of light filled with textures :). Very nicely done. Did you experiment by putting your point of interest more the right or left: giving your photo a slightly off balanced feeling? Perhaps this would have made your photo even more interesting.
- Can't think of any.
02/19/2004 12:19:02 AM
Paper towel tube? Looks like a galaxy shot....very neat. I like this alot.
02/18/2004 04:57:13 PM
this doesn't say "texure" to me, just my opinion
02/18/2004 11:35:13 AM
This shot has a nice sense of 'mystery' to it. The light at the end of the tunnel... excellent work :)
02/18/2004 10:00:39 AM
I'm guessing this is the inside of a paper towel tube...nice shot but I don't feel the texture. Very creative shot though!
02/18/2004 04:41:23 AM
very cool reminds me of the cartoon with the monsters steling cristmas a tim burton film dont remeber the name
02/18/2004 02:24:59 AM
Great.... the only thing that might bother me with this photo is the fact that im not sure if i should focus on the light coming in, or on the texture of the tissue paper roll.
02/18/2004 12:54:47 AM
Great idea, a bit too much light in the center.

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