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Your Everywhere, but Here.
Your Everywhere, but Here.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Distance (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di II for Canon
Location: Texas
Date: Oct 21, 2007
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Emotive, DPChallenge GTGs
Date Uploaded: Oct 23, 2007

I hope someone likes this image. Not literal and I'm sure I'll get many DNMC- But I'm sure some will take the time to ask some questions and judge it in a non-literal way. Thanks in advance for any comments. btw-its is intended to be a soft image- the details are not necessary- I wanted to envoke a feeling. Did I do it?
The title is a little to direct for me-but I'm going to keep it. I really want to call it "STAY"

post challenge: hummmmm! I really don't get it-how most did not get it.
The plane represents the distance the figure feels from her spouse. The other hand clearly shows the ring finger-thus giving the viewer a pretty good clue.
My only mistake in this image was the wording. Opps on my part. It is a beautiful image and I stand behind it 100% Thanks for looking!
And much Thanks to the two Favs-made my week

Place: 112 out of 156
Avg (all users): 5.1717
Avg (commenters): 6.5000
Avg (participants): 5.0698
Avg (non-participants): 5.2000
Views since voting: 987
Views during voting: 378
Votes: 198
Comments: 24
Favorites: 7 (view)

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10/18/2008 04:32:37 PM
mighty fine!
02/01/2008 02:43:16 PM
I clearly remember seeing this, but I don't know how I managed to miss commenting before now. I did get it, and thought it was a beautiful conceptual piece. Missed voting on the challenge, so sorry to say your 10 row would have been up by 1 voter if I had not done so. :)
11/03/2007 01:13:31 AM
wonderfully ghost like...as though I am being transported back in time...
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11/01/2007 08:04:10 AM
I really thought this was a remarkable shot - the feeling and emotion created by the story through the composition, objects, expressions and processing is outstanding - I gave it a 7 but realize that I should have voted higher
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11/01/2007 08:01:20 AM
I really like this shot. Love the way you processed it.
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10/31/2007 09:11:45 PM
no need to look at scores when you have images like this, what great mood you created. Its a ten in my book. :)
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10/31/2007 08:21:31 PM
i like trhis alot, very interesting.
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10/31/2007 05:50:40 PM
dont forget
a good techniek doesnt make an artist make
a tear on the weddingring would have put the cherry on the cake
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10/31/2007 09:50:48 AM
Dear bleu, I skipped this challenge or else I would have been another 10 for you. The connection to the challenge is clear, but you go well beyond that, creating an image of mystery and myth.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/30/2007 07:21:52 PM
I really like this picture, the toning and motion blur make a magical image that's really pleasing to look at. I'm not sure I get the message behind the shot though? I look forward to taking a look at this after voting is finished
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10/30/2007 03:53:21 PM
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10/30/2007 07:14:49 AM
whats up with the claw,. i like the photo but i only see the "claw"
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10/29/2007 04:32:53 AM
I don't get it.
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10/26/2007 09:23:33 PM
Love the tones and the blur!
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10/26/2007 06:44:54 PM
I love this image. I entered this challenge and would vote it higher than I would my own!
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10/26/2007 07:43:47 AM
this one is an Honorable Mention for me - really like the motion in the coat as it's very unique/interesting and adds to the etherial feel, dualtones are wonderful, mix of shiney and smooth is just right, composition is sooo close (a tad more room to the left of the plane would feel better for me). I think the plane is the link to the theme and the gesturing open hand gives the emotional content making this a great shot.
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10/26/2007 05:33:32 AM
my fav so far. its frighteningly cool
10 from me
good luck!!!
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10/25/2007 11:42:27 PM
Fantastic photo. It doesn't really convey the notion of distance to me ... but it's arguably the best photo in the challenge.
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10/25/2007 03:56:19 PM
wow thats cool, interested to see how.....
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10/24/2007 04:28:21 PM
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10/24/2007 02:24:13 PM
I wonder how many people will comment on the title.
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10/24/2007 11:02:42 AM
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10/24/2007 05:01:27 AM
I like the technical realization, but I'm missing the idea...
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10/24/2007 12:53:52 AM
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